Recent content by IblisBane

  1. IblisBane


  2. IblisBane

    Early access - Whats your comment?!

    Honestly, a lot of fair points raised in reaction to the announcement, and many of them I agree with.  That said, I'll still be getting it EA...might be my only chance to play it in some form before I die. :grin:
  3. IblisBane

    Dev Blog 18/07/19

    Gholt369 said:
    I would like to see the clan renown (I really like the idea) but then also have a way to see how much each character has accomplished or have npcs treat us differently if the heir not “worthy of the name” like there were great Kings but just because they were great didnt mean that their heirs were as strong or great.

    Pretty much agree. And what about "Infamy?" You can be famous for being a terrible warrior, or being cruel to your enemies, or executing prisoners, or raiding caravans etc. If actions like those reduced your renown, it's not the same as being unknown, if you know what I mean.

    Regardless, as always, keep working hard guys. Just waiting for the pre-order pressure... :wink:
  4. IblisBane

    Dev Blog 27/06/2019

    Well, nay-saying notwithstanding, a big step, so congrats guys. :grin:

    I don't do multi-player, so a bit sad no single-player beta, but that's ok...knowing it's finally getting closer is still great. Looks like I will get to play it before I die after all. (I'm old. :grin:)

    Any idea how long it will be in beta? (Yeah, I'm not really expecting an answer to that. :grin: )

    Work hard guys, we're all waiting for you. I usually never pre-order games, but for you, I will make an exception... :wink:

  5. IblisBane

    Dev Blog 13/06/19

    Oxtocoatl said:
    I can think of examples of both. Many crusader armies, for instance, were crippled by division as the different lords commanded their oen forces.
    On the other end there were professional armies like that of Matthias Corvinus or the janissaries, where full time soldiers would lead.
    Most larger armies probably had a mixed system, trying to balance the feelings of high lords with the need to have someone actually qualified in charge. One compromise was to appoint a noble lord as nominally the leader and then give him many experienced underlings and aides. Not all high lords necessarily came personally to lead their armies, either. In Italian city states it became the norm to hire a professional condottiere to lead the armies of the state.

    ^ Good post. ^
  6. IblisBane

    Dev Blog 16/05/19

    So...any chance there will be a single-player beta as well? (I don't do MP. :grin: )
  7. IblisBane

    Dev Blog 18/04/19

    578 said:
    A suggestion. Make an option for the player to be able to customize how their children look when they grow up. Cheers.

    If I recall, they've already said that children will have a combination of their mother and father's features. :grin:

    Nice blog. :smile:

    Agree with the poster upthread who hoped death by old age wouldn't happen too the idea of being able to scale the time rate ourselves via settings. (Maybe even in "real time" so you can speed it up for sieges etc.)
  8. IblisBane

    Dev Blog 14/03/19

    That’s all for this week. If you have any comments or suggestions or just want to point out to the fact that there is no release date yet and that we made up that bit about thought waves, go ahead and join in the discussion below.

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  9. IblisBane

    Dev Blog 04/10/18

    Nymeris said:
    Taking control of a faction confirmed. YEAAH BABBYYY


    I shall be Khan!

  10. IblisBane

    Dev Blog 24/05/18

    Woohoo! Khuzait yurt-style buildings. :grin: Can't wait for my hordes of horse archers to overrun the map. :grin:
  11. IblisBane

    Dev Blog 25/01/18

    Sheesh guys. :grin:  I'm 40 and I'm still looking forward to playing this. :grin:

    Yes, it wasn't the most exciting post ever, but it's hard to always push out great content on a deadline, especially if you have other stuff to do. (Ask me, I know. :grin: )

    Was glad to see the commitment to modding reaffirmed, (a lot of my hours have been with mods made by better coders than me) and agree with whoever it was up-thread who pointed out that too much voice will be hard for modders to work around.

    Simple fact is, Warband was great even with it's obvious and extensive limitations. Hell, M&B was good enough that after I got it free in a GOG promo or something (when it was already well outdated), and downloading it one night when I was bored, that I ended up playing it through the night, and buying WB the next day as soon as I found out about it.

    Bannerlord will be better than that, no matter what ends up getting included or excluded, and however long it takes.  And then mods will make it even better, because they'll incorporate the visions of everybody who thinks it should have been different, providing huge variety for players to choose from.

    Patience is a virtue they tell me...and virtues are never easy to exercise. But one day (hopefully in my lifetime :wink: ) it will be out.  And we'll all play it (or the vast majority anyway), (that's why we're here after all), and we'll love it and we'll hate it, or be disappointed and excited, and either way we'll mod the hell out of it and play it more.

    Overall, I'm pretty encouraged and hoping like hell it'll be out in the next couple of years at least. :grin:  Really looking forward to it.

    Khergit forever!


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