Recent content by Humppa

  1. what can we expect in the next patch? what would you like to have?

    I only want one thing: more siege maps in multiplayer.

    It is pretty sad, that there are only 4 siege maps. In my oppinion, siege is the best multiplayer gamemode for this game. There are rarely any siege servers with 50 players+ anymore. I think, thats because people are bored of the 4 maps.

    So please devs, give us some more siege maps for this brilliant game!
  2. Umfrage: Welche Waffen sind euch die liebsten?

    Fürst_Metternich said:
    kleiner tipp @ humpa : probier mal den szinknormalen speer ohne schild :wink:
    ist echt zweihandspaß ^10

    Jo, mach ich mal :grin: Den habe ich bis jetzt immer ignoriert.
  3. Multiplayer Spiel hosten?

    Verstehe nicht ganz, was du meinst.

    Ein Spiel eröffnest du über Multiplayer - Host game.
    Da machst du dann alle Einstellungen (wenn der Server in der Serverliste im Internet erscheinen soll, musst du "add server to official serverlist" anklicken)

    Dann einnfach auf "Start Map" klicken.
  4. Umfrage: Welche Waffen sind euch die liebsten?

    Ich spiele immo nur Multiplayer.
    Am lustigsten find ich eigentlich die Wurfäxte und alles Andere, was man werfen kann. Gibt doch nichts schöneres als einen anstürmenden Gegener mit ner Wurfaxt umzuhauen oder einem Bogenschützen auf der Mauer auszuschalten.

    Am effektivsten im Nahkampf finde ich Zweihänder, zu allererst natürlich die Great Axe der Nord (der Angstgegner jedes Schildes :smile:, aber auch das Great Sword der Swadians ist verdammt stark. Der Zweihandhammer geht auch ab, aber damit muss man halt relativ nah an die Gegner ran - gegen gute Spieler zieh ich da meist den Kürzeren.
  5. [M] Siege mod (beta 1.3 release)

    Good Work mate.
    The improvements sound very good.

    Was fun playing your mod at sunday.
  6. [M] Siege mod (beta 1.3 release)

    I try to be online tomorrow too. I would love to play the new castles with a bunch of others :smile:
  7. Very annoying stuck bug

    I never use backspace. I use 1-4 for troop selection and F1-F4 for commands.
  8. Can't find program files please help!!

    If you purchased the game over steam, the programm folder should be located in:

  9. Very annoying stuck bug

    I got stuck in multiplayer 1 or 2 times, and i played a lot since the release. This should not happen that much, not a big issue for me and i am sure the devs will fix it in future patches.

    About your second question: the last time, i attacked a bandit liar, i was able to command my troops in normal way.
  10. Help with "connection to server is lost"

    Sander86 said:
    I have a similar problem , but ONLY when i try t join the game. 0-10 seconds after joining server it says "connection lost to server" this happens most of the time when i try to join ANY server.  Once in a while i succesfully connect and once i can choose a faction and start playing it NEVER disconnects. when i get bored of the same server and i want to change the problem generally occurs again and i cant even rejoin the same server.

    A friend of mine had exactly the same problem, he has pretty old hardware (P4 2.6, 4 year old Graphics card,...).
    Then he changed to directx 7 and set all video options to minimum, and now he can at least play on servers with max 30 players. On bigger server he still gets the "connection to server lost" error after he joins the server.

  11. [M] Siege mod (beta 1.3 release)

    Thank you for this mod! Great Work.
    I got a little bored with the original 4 siege maps, i hoped for such a mod :smile:

    But do i understand that right: you host the original CR_Siege_1113 Server? This is my favourite server to play, cause i usually play at late night, and this is usually the only european siege server, which is full at this time. But yesterday night i couldnt find him :sad:.

    thanks for your effort with this mod!
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