Recent content by Hess_

  1. Hess_

    Show off your Bannerlord faces!

  2. Hess_

    Need Help Leveling Up Troops? Look no further!

    So, as someone who was very tired of trying to figure out an effective way to level up troops quickly and with low risk, my friend told me to find looters. You need to fight them, but do not actually fight the battle, instead auto-resolve. Now from what I know, this only works on looters for...
  3. Hess_

    MP Delay on release of attacks

    I just spam and hope I hit something.
  4. Hess_

    Nice april fools TW

    Each round for NW events with 200 people takes about 13-15 minutes tops. You can usually do 2-3 maps, 2-5 rounds.
  5. Hess_

    There really isn't a point to have a clan in MP at the moment

    Totally agree with you. No way for in-game banners, clan/regiment tags, no private servers. I wouldn't invest in doing Bannerlord until the above 3 are addressed. For now, I will play my days in Napoleonic Wars and Native MP for Warband.
  6. Hess_

    My view of the MP as an Alpha tester.

    "But that guy can block EVERYTHING! He is cheating!"
    You are cheating because you kill me and no one kills me without cheating.
  7. Hess_

    Looters can't miss

    You should see the mountain bandit archers. Holy ****. I agree though, the AI accuracy needs a slight nerf. They seem to be able to predict your movements as well.
  8. Hess_

    About Worthless - TOURNAMENTS

    If you save up like 6k or higher, you can get 1500-200 for winning a tourney if you bet. Also, if you get weapons, break them down in the smith and sell the resources. Very easy money, not much loss.
  9. Hess_

    Nerf Mountain Bandits on Caravan Escort Mission

    There is a mission where you need to escort a caravan. The caravan gets attacked by a 40 man bandit party that is nothing but archers who are able to crossmap your troops and friendly troops. By the time you get even close to the bandits, your entire army is routed. Note, I had an army of about...
  10. Hess_

    MP Suggestion: Replace the class system with something that's actually fun.

    Yea, people been complaining about the class system since beta and not much has been done. Modders will probably have to save this game as they did to Warband. But I completely agree with you on this. I wouldn't mind a class system like Warband where you have the FREEDOM to pick whatever armor and weapons you wanted to use.
  11. Hess_

    A list of things they need to add to mutiplayer

    I agree. This game is extremely lacking in customization or things that would allow players to stick out. Faces would be a prime example, specific pieces of armor that players would wear, certain weapons they would use in combination with others, and the list goes on.
  12. Hess_

    No Sound and Options Hang the Game

    Do you have the beta installed? If so, uninstall it. I had issues earlier and me uninstalling the beta worked.
  13. Hess_

    Holy Roman Empire

    Good group of people.
  14. Hess_

    Napoleonic Wars DLC ?

    I wouldn't say a full fledged DLC, but modders will definitely attempt to make something similar to NW if not the same. So to answer your question, yes, but more likely as a mod.
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