Recent content by Gongfu

  1. Tournament fighting does not level fighting skills, why? - Poll Yes or No

    I think they should go up in the standard practise arena too.
  2. Which leveling system do you prefer Warband or Bannerlord?

    Why doesn't the poll say, "Do you want skillpoint gain to be easier/faster?"?

    Current poll just looks like trolling.
  3. [Bug/Exploit] Get Captured = Profit

    I like to ride around solo, fighting mainly looters and mountain bandits, to polish my fighting skills. I also like to save-scum my way through tournaments until I can more or less reliably win. So I noticed that the horses and camels I won through tournaments double every time I get captured...
  4. How to level up Medicine?

    I started to travel while i and my four men was injured.
    I got medicine points while travelling, so i suppose whenever your party is healing, you auto-gain some points.

  5. How to level up Medicine?

    Anyone know?
  6. Block arrows with 2h

    Blocking missiles with strikes sounds interesting.

    Giving people with no shield a passive defense against missiles sounds really really dumb to me.

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