Recent content by ghizmo

  1. Oil breaks Food Variety morale bonus

    Actually I'd like to confirm to this by saying that it's not the Oil consumable itself:
    But the actual amount of variaty goods in the inventory.

    I had been using oil without issues, but then I added dates as my 9th consumableand suddenly my variaty moral boost dropped to 2 from 7.
    Upon selling the dates it went back up. And I can actually swap any of the consumables around as I like, it's only when adding the 9th that it shows this behaviour.
  2. Resolved Whole seller perk disappears on trade items after restart of game

    Thanks for the extra info MinhTien. I didn't even look at the experience gain. And you are right. I confirm the same.
  3. Resolved Whole seller perk disappears on trade items after restart of game

    Summary: Whole seller perk not showing colours after load How to Reproduce: Buy items, save game, load game, perk will not be active on goods bought before load Quest/Settlement Name (if related): Media (Screenshots & Video): Version: 1.1.0226038 Installed community-made modifications: none...
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