Recent content by Evelyn

  1. Evelyn

    The new Subversion.

    Not sure about #1, but #2 sounds like you have HDR on. Never turn HDR on.
  2. Evelyn

    Say Cheese v2

    Jeez we're old.
  3. Evelyn

    What are you playing right now?

    I thought Rams went into economics, not game design.
  4. Evelyn

    Screenshottery Thread Mk.2

    Kinda looks like Bioshock meets Fallout meets WoW
  5. Evelyn

    [QUESTIONS] Quick Questions//Quick Answers (Redux)

    Then you should also know you can't knock out certain troops, who are scripted to die no matter what. Doesn't make much sense to sell the undead to a slave galley.
  6. Evelyn

    [QUESTIONS] Quick Questions//Quick Answers (Redux)

    There's a level limit for prisoners you can hire. Prisoners above a certain level cannot be hired to your party. Likewise, there are some enemies that cannot be knocked unconscious, mostly troops that are meant to be undead, but also make sure that the mace you're using actually does blunt damage. User error does not mean the system is bad, lol.
  7. Evelyn

    What's on your mind?

    There was a WhatsApp for awhile, but I haven't heard about it in a couple of years so I imagine it'd been deprecated in favor of the... various discords. I think there are at least three.
  8. Evelyn

    Say Cheese v2

    Signed or unsigned? Very important distinction.
  9. Evelyn

    Say Cheese v2

    What's the age difference?
  10. Evelyn

    What made you sad today? v.IV

    My guess is that there are probably other underlying issues going on and that the sandwich was just a convenient springboard into that sort of exchange. Have you guys had any tension lately?
  11. Evelyn

    [DOWNLOAD] Prophesy of Pendor [v3.9.5 IS NOW OUT!!!]

    Gorvex answered that question above. There is no separate patch.
  12. Evelyn

    Upcoming games you nitpicky ****bags look forward to ***** about in the future.

    I'm not sure what you expected, Densetsu is a very fickle man :p
  13. Evelyn

    Debating implementation of a Reaction/Like system

    I think your sarcasm meters are broken.
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