Recent content by Doz

  1. Current food-prosperity system is broken

    What I think the developers want to achieve: Okay, so the determining factor for food production in cities and castles is prosperity. Higher prosperity brings increasing penalty to food surplus. That makes sense: more people, more tax, less food. The point is to make sure that prosperity will...
  2. A piece of armor costing 600k...

    I knew how Bannerlord's dynamic economic system was broken but this... Bannerlord in a nutshell: invest 13k to set up a workshop that gives you 20 denars per day, wait for 821.92 years to purchase this Lamellar With Scale Skirt.
  3. [BUG] [URGENT] Archers don't shoot enemies they can clearly see, ruins game

    Same here. Mine bugged out the most at nighttime. Ranged units are basically blind at night (even at dusk or dawn). Archers and crossbowmen just stand there if targets are more than 20 steps away. At first I suspected it was an overkilling feature to make the environment matters. Then I found this post.

    Damn, the troops should learn how to up their gamma value.?
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