Recent content by Detox

  1. Regiments

    Prestige is recieved when releasing enemies troops after battle. Building walls in towns. Freeing prisoners. You can recruit from any basic Austrian villages. After training you will have Jaegers
  2. This dead? Looking for guides!

    Thank you. Just tried reaching out to him
  3. This dead? Looking for guides!

    Looks like Quintillus hasn't been on in awhile. Along with most people. Last post 3 years ago. Almost 4. After reading about Quintilus' "grande guide" I think a lot of us got excited. Unfortunately it looks like it wasn't released. Is anyone still around that might have a least for...
  4. [University] - Minimods & Guides & Strategies

    My grand guide teaches you how to use formations :smile:.
    Do you mind me asking how far you made it in your grand guide?


    I just started playing a few days ago. This just blew me away. I wish I discovered this years ago. This is an amazing work. I was even talking to my wife about what an astonishing job you did. You 100% deserve to be paid staff.

    All I can do is tell you how happy this game is making me, how immersive it is and how talented you are. I am extremely grateful.
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