Recent content by daisyj201

  1. daisyj201

    Changing NPC Appearances?

    Can you change the appearance of an NPC, such as changing the face, clothes, etc. of a lord or lady? Even if it requires hacking or a mod?
  2. daisyj201

    Affiliate to a family

    nirkoj said:
    Wikipedia said:
    In medieval society, bloodlines were paramount; a ruling dynasty lacking a natural-born heir apparent was replaced, a stark contrast to Roman traditions. The evolution of European law reflects this aversion to adoption. English Common Law, for instance, did not permit adoption since it contradicted the customary rules of inheritance.
    Even knights of the highest rank weren't regarded as family by the nobles they served, therefore never allowed to court noble ladies since it would obstacle the succession of the right to the throne. This is one of the reasons why eloping was severely punished. With this in mind, i firmly believe that if you affiliate to a given family you should actually be unable to marry its ladies, as it would be contradictory. These are just my two cents.

    Fair enough. But it's a game, so I'm completely content with it even if it isn't exactly like Mideval English society. :smile:
  3. daisyj201

    Affiliate to a family

    nirkoj said:
    daisyj201 said:
    nirkoj said:
    The merging idea doesn't make any sense. The concept "Affiliate" to a family means you become a member of that family, namely you're a member of their house. The concept of "marriage" is a completely opposite ocurrance, as in they are giving their daugther to you, namely in she's a member of your own house. You're asking to merge two opposite sides of a coin. The adoption path would be the correct one.

    I understand how this explanation fits with male players, but what if you're playing as a woman? Wouldn't that get a bit confusing? What I was going to do as a girl was affiliate with Jarl Harald's family and then marry into Jarl Turya's family. (The two Jarls in this case are not related.)
    I find the merging idea not plausible and rather confusing myself. Let's try this: if the two jarls are not related, like in your case, i see that "merging" would limit your options. If the two jarls are related it creates an issue, since you would be pretty much marrying a brother/sister, leading to a relation overlap: your former family members now become your in-laws or viceversa. This is why merging is incorrect as i mentioned before, marriage involves two families, affiliation does not. I sustain that merging doesn't make sense.

    Not to mention one of the perks of affiliation if you're playing a man is that you can marry any lady in the family without objection from her guardian. If affiliation worked like adoption, that would be awkward.
  4. daisyj201

    Affiliate to a family

    nirkoj said:
    The merging idea doesn't make any sense. The concept "Affiliate" to a family means you become a member of that family, namely you're a member of their house. The concept of "marriage" is a completely opposite ocurrance, as in they are giving their daugther to you, namely in she's a member of your own house. You're asking to merge two opposite sides of a coin. The adoption path would be the correct one.

    I understand how this explanation fits with male players, but what if you're playing as a woman? Wouldn't that get a bit confusing? What I was going to do as a girl was affiliate with Jarl Harald's family and then marry into Jarl Turya's family. (The two Jarls in this case are not related.)
  5. daisyj201

    How is Gifting Supposed to Work??

    Yup, I've tried everything too, no luck.
  6. daisyj201

    Bug reports and known issues (v4.x, use new bug tracker instead)

    Yes me again, but I found something else. You know how you can send companions to gather info on all the countries and their lords? When M&BW first came out, none of the companions were set to explore any of the cities in the Sarrinad. They eventually changed this in a patch by sending Artimenner to Durquaba (sp?) instead of Narra. I found that while playing the Diplomacy mod, Artimenner goes to Narra as he did before the M&BW patch, so I can't get info on the Sarrinad. I have the most current versions of Native and Diplomacy. I know that this is a relatively small issue, but I use that feature a lot and it would be helpful if this was resolved. Thank you :smile:
  7. daisyj201

    Bug reports and known issues (v4.x, use new bug tracker instead)

    zParsifal said:
    daisyj201 said:
    I saw an issue with the bard dialogue, but I'm not sure how significant it is. Anyway, I copied one of my Native save games into the Diplomacy save game folder. Everything works fine except for this small issue where every time I ask a bard about a single lady of the realm, he uses my name instead of the name of the lord who is suiting her. (For example, "They say (my character's name) has tired of persuing Lady Enricata.") For the record, I am a female and I'm married, so either way my name shouldn't be up there. Maybe I copied something into the Diplomacy folder wrong? So far this particular save game is the only one causing problems. Any ideas?

    I took a look and it's not immediately obvious why this would happen.  What Diplomacy version and what Warband versions are you using?

    The most updated of both. I later found though that as new lords started courting the ladies, the dialogue set itself right. Have no clue why or why it was wrong in the first place.  :???: But thanks for looking into it. :smile:
  8. daisyj201

    Bug reports and known issues (v4.x, use new bug tracker instead)

    I saw an issue with the bard dialogue, but I'm not sure how significant it is. Anyway, I copied one of my Native save games into the Diplomacy save game folder. Everything works fine except for this small issue where every time I ask a bard about a single lady of the realm, he uses my name instead of the name of the lord who is suiting her. (For example, "They say (my character's name) has tired of persuing Lady Enricata.") For the record, I am a female and I'm married, so either way my name shouldn't be up there. Maybe I copied something into the Diplomacy folder wrong? So far this particular save game is the only one causing problems. Any ideas?
  9. daisyj201

    How is Gifting Supposed to Work??

    Every time I tried to send a gift (even if it's a good one) to a lord or settlement via the chancellor, they remain unimpressed. Is there a particular method to making this work in my favor?
  10. daisyj201

    Diplomacy 3.3.2+: Allow fief trading & other improvements (updated 2011-06-15)

    Hooahguy said:
    Apstinentas said:
    If you have a Diplomacy without any mods installed then you make a copy of it in your module folder and then put the files you downloaded from this topic in it, rewriting the old ones.
    So I make a copy of Native, put it in the modules folder, than take the files downloaded from here and put them into the new folder?

    EDIT: I tried this, but something clearly isnt working because my savegame file isnt there.

    Make sure that you renamed the new savegame files in the Diplomacy folder such that all of them are formated: sg00, sg01, sg02, etc. If they look like this: sg02 (02) or sg02 (copy), they won't work.
  11. daisyj201

    Affiliate to a family

    So is there a reason king/queen players can't affiliate with a family?

    Also, is it even worth it to affiliate? I'm hearing a lot of frustrated stories.
  12. daisyj201

    Problem with Bard Dialouge

    I copied one of my Native save games into the Diplomacy save game folder. Everything works fine except for this small issue where every time I ask a bard about a single lady of the realm, he uses my name instead of the name of the lord who is suiting her. (For example, "They say (my character's...
  13. daisyj201

    Weird Problem with Character Image

    Caba`drin said:
    daisyj201 said:
    Is there a way to remake it without starting over?
    Of course. If you go into your character screen, just click on the picture of your toon. That should bring up the face-generation window.

    Oh that's awesome! Thanks a bunch :grin:
  14. daisyj201

    Weird Problem with Character Image

    Is there a way to remake it without starting over?
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