Recent content by comradeDing

  1. comradeDing

    A question to the TW team

    If they need help, they can hire me to work remotely. I’ll do menial bug bashing work.
  2. comradeDing

    Beta Branch e1.1.0

    I’m surprised by the number of tweaked on here considering the time this has been out in EA. Lots l juicy stuff! Looks promising!
  3. comradeDing

    [Idea Proposal] Radial context menu for giving unit commands

    Already found a potential issue:

    Currently, you can press a number key to select a unit, and then you get the RTS style move to position flag. The above design does not address this possibility. The Move to Position option in the Movement sub-menu should allow the RTS movement functionality to pop up.
  4. comradeDing

    [Idea Proposal] Radial context menu for giving unit commands

    Ah I like this. You put a lot of thought into this, so I really hope someone from the teams actually sees this.
    The main reason I hardly ever use commands is the clunky number controls - a radial menu like your proposal would definitely be more appropriate for 2020 and maybe even get old "charge and hope for the best" fellows like me to actually make use of the command system :grin:

    Glad you like the idea! I honestly think it might be better if a radial menu were baked into the core of game as opposed to patched over with a mod. Would love to be able to use it in multiplayer too.
  5. comradeDing

    [Idea Proposal] Radial context menu for giving unit commands

    Quickly giving commands using the function and number keys can be clunky and annoying to use. Navigating the menus using the function keys in the heat of battle can become quickly overwhelming which can be compounded with the fact that you must move your hands off of the character controls and...
  6. comradeDing

    SP - Battles & Sieges Sieges and the problems with it.

    I think the AI would be downright stupid if it did not prevent you from sieging their castles with 100 men they can easily chase off.
    Oh yeah, I’m not saying it’s a problem that the AI is defending their castle to the best of their ability. It’s good they are giving me chase. It’s just annoying (in a good, challenging way) when I’m I trying to snag a quick castle to get my independent kingdom off the ground. I’ve just had to get much craftier in when and how I do it. If that means cheesing the siege battle mechanics, so be it!
  7. comradeDing

    SP - Battles & Sieges Sieges and the problems with it.

    I've been attacked by 300+-man armies almost every time I've lain siege to a castle with my 100 man party.

    This is the main reason I’m not able to start my kingdom with my 110 man warband. I can’t build siege equipment before reinforcements get there and I can’t win 3-1 odds. Also, I hadn’t figured out how to cheese the siege mechanics like you guys have ?. I’ll give some of your tips a go. I think I save-scummed a siege somewhere in this play through...

    I do see what you’re getting at though Timberwolf. The AI will never play with the same ruleset as we do. I hope they can find a good way to fudge it so the end results of a player siege and an AI siege are similar given the same parameters.
  8. comradeDing

    SP - Battles & Sieges Sieges and the problems with it.

    Do defenders have the option to "sally forth" and engage the enemy in the field instead? This could maybe deter people from attacking with inferior numbers of higher quality troops. It could also allow defenders to engage in battle if their allies come to break the siege and counter attack the sieging army.

    I like the idea of the siege minigames they added. I think if they refined the system and added different actions it could be really good. Some ideas:
    1. like you mentioned, traps. Tar fields, boiling oil, spike pits, barricades, etc. With these you could funnel attackers into murder pits or outright kill them.
    2. sending out raiding parties to steal supplies. This could even the odds if one side can hold out longer than the other. Its should be a gamble, so if it goes wrong, it could cost you a lot. Maybe you could even send raiding parties to open gates.
    3. Tunneling under walls to crumble them.

    If they invested a bit more functionality into the minigame, a siege could theoretically be won or lost before the actual battle is even fought. All in all, I agree with your assessment that sieges need to be way more expensive for attackers. It should be much harder to take a city than to defend it. If that were the philosophy behind sieging, it could potentially slow down the insane snowballing that people have been seeing.
  9. comradeDing

    Smithing abuse

    That's how I made my first 100k denars. Seems like it shouldn't work that way. Isn't that technically inflating the economy or something?
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