Recent content by Captain Noah

  1. 44ste Hollandse Marinier [NA]

    Is there passwords for these events, I just joined
  2. 44ste Hollandse Marinier [NA]


    Brief Description of the Regiment & General Information

    The 44ste Hollandse Marines is a new regiment to the Napoleonic Wars community, it's home being in AMTGS. This regiment is a place for both casual and active NA players to come together and participate in Linebattles and other events, aswell as make new friends and enjoy Napoleonic Wars. This regiment still has rules however, and those rules are simple. Also, since the Dutch aren't actually in the game, we have no set faction. So we'll play whatever we are assigned to, and hopefully with glee.

    •No trolling
    •Respect your officers
    •Respect one another
    •Have fun

    If at any point rules 1-3 are broken, you are liable to be kicked. Rule 4 (If broken) simply means this is not the place for you, and in that case, that is still very OK. This is just not the regiment for you then, this regiment will hold no ill regards towards those who leave.

    The banner we use ingame is the Dutch Flag (I.E French Flag sideways)

    Our teamspeak IP is, in the AMTGS teamspeak's NW Regiments section.

    Command Structure & 'The Point' system

    Every time the regiment reaches a new member count, typically in intervals of 10's, or 20's, a new rank will open up, regardless of whether it be an NCO rank (Korporaal or Sergeant) or a lower Officer rank (Kapitein, 1ste Luitenant and 2de Luitenant), each rank will have various set intervals.

    Kapitein - Requires at least 40 new members for another Kapitein to be chosen. New slot opens every 40.
    1ste Luitenant - Requires at least 30 new members for another 1ste Luitenant to be chosen. New slot opens every 30.
    2de Luitenant - Requires at least 25 new members for another 2de Luitenant to be chosen. New slot opens every 25.

    Sergeant - Requires at least 15 new members for another Sergeant to be chosen. New slot opens every 15.
    Korporaal - Requires at least 10 new members for another Korporaal to be chosen. New slot opens every 10.

    Enlisted Ranks (Meaning Matroos -> Marinier) have no limit or 'slots' therefore no description is needed.

    Most promoting works very simply, either by getting +40 points (If there is a slot of the rank one higher than you available you will be made that rank upon acquisition of 40 points), or by being found worthy by an officer/multiple NCOs.

    However, upon joining the regiment you will be made a Matroos, and after being in the regiment a week, you will be promoted to Marinier. Once it has been a week, inform your officers!

    The Point System

    The way this works is simply that it adds a bit of a system to risk and reward, which I will *try* to keep up with. These points signify activity and devotion, aswell as various other things which this regiment tries to enforce. I.E Maturity and willingness to follow orders. A high +points will make it more likely for you to receive a new, higher rank. Lower however typically means very very bad things.

    Note that these may add a system of risk and reward, but there still are other ways to have these happen, for example trolling beyond all reason can lead to a kick/demotion regardless of points, and promotions work the same way. If you are found worthy of being a higher rank you will be made one.

    Should you reach 40+ points and a position in a rank higher than your current one is available you will be promoted to that rank 100%. However, if a slot is not open, you are next in line, and any excess points gained will remain.

    Should you reach -30 points, you will be demoted.

    Should you reach -40 points, you will be kicked.

    Attending an event/training - +2
    Posting on the thread on either FSE or Taleworlds (CONSTRUCTIVELY! Do not spam!) - +1
    Contributing to the Officers in any way needed at the time (I.E help making a command system!) - +1.5 and brownie points
    Contributing to the threads on the steam group (I.E Feedback Thread, and any others.) - +.5
    Recruit someone to the regiment - +3 points

    Being inactive for a period of 21 days, without a report as to why on the absences thread in the steam group - -3
    Reports of trolling (If proven with screenshots) - -4
    Disobeying orders repeatedly (PTS included) - -1
    Disrespect to anyone in the regiment - Varies depending on severity

    *There is a thread in the Steam Group discussions regarding absences, if you need to go on leave, simply follow the format there and post either here, on Taleworlds, or on the Steam Thread (Preferably the steam thread)

    Romandude 4
    Hawke 0
    AlekFvH 10
    Caesar15 10
    T 3
    AllDayKilla 0
    Darkenmal 0
    Rjs777 0
    Infrantage 4
    Kermit_The_Napoleon 4
    Lion 0
    Petschie 0
    Juls 0
    Saturnplanet13 2
    TWS1 6
    Sizarium 0
    Whaleskin 6
    Kam 0
    James 0
    Sir_Lyra 6
    Lyra 0
    Fluffalapagous 0
    Erik_The_Red 0
    Lord_Jaffa 2
    Echo 0
    Lt.Zoro 2
    LoRd JoKeR 2
    Duke 0
    Coyote 2
    Scootabot 0
    DemonicJester 0

    Ranks & Roster

    Kolonel (Kol)
    Bogrith [NA]

    Luitenant-Kolonel (LtKol)
    Morebadnews [NA]

    Majoor (Maj)

    Kapitein (Kpt)
    Infrantage [NA]

    1ste Luitenant (1steLt)
    Odysseus [NA]
    AlekFvH [NA]

    2de Luitenant (2deLt)
    Hawke [EU]
    Caesar15 [NA]
    Sergeant (Sgt)
    Whaleskin [NA]
    Kermit_The_Napoleon [NA]

    Korporaal (Kpl)
    Sir_Lyra [NA]
    T [NA]
    Sizarium [NA]
    TWS1 [NA]
    Marinier (Mar)
    AllDayKilla [NA]
    Darkenmal [NA]
    Rjs777 [NA]
    Lion [NA]
    Petschie [NA]
    Juls [NA]
    Saturnplanet [NA]
    James [NA]
    Lord_Jaffa [NA]
    LoRd_JoKeR [NA]
    Coyote [NA]
    Kam [NA]
    Lyra [NA]
    Fluffalapagous [NA]
    Erik_The_Red [NA]
    Echo [NA]
    Lt.Zoro [NA]
    Duke [NA]
    Zball121 [EU]

    Matroos (Mat)
    Scootabot [NA] [12/24/12]
    ChronicHazards [NA] [12/26/12]
    DemonicJester [NA] [12/28/12]

    Total Strength: 35

    Tags - 44steHM_Rank_Name

    Interested in joining?

    To join, simply fill out this application below.
    You may post it publically, here, or PM me for a private review.

    What is your ingame name? Solider
    What is your steam name? njlowe51693
    How old are you?* 14
    How mature are you on a scale of 1-10? 9
    What are your past regimental experiences?* never been in one before.
    Do you accept the rules and guidelines explained in the description of the regiment? Yes
    Will you follow and respect orders given by officers? Yes
    Why do you want to join the Marines?* I want to play mount and Blade in a more organized fashion
    Do you understand the rules and command structure? (Will be helped if not) Yes
    Do you understand the point system? (Will be helped if not) no
    Are you North American? Yes




    Mondays - -----
    Tuesdays - -----
    Wednesdays - -----
    Thursdays - Menelaos' Linebattle 6:45 PM CST
    Fridays - ALO 7:00 PM PM CST
    Saturdays - Cop's Siege 6:30 PM CST
    Sundays - -----


    Mondays - 7:30 PM CST
    Tuesdays - 7:30 PM CST
    Wednesdays - -----
    Thursdays - -----
    Fridays - -----
    Saturdays - -----
    Sundays - 7:30 PM CST


    Thank you to...
    Vicccard for basically helping me make this regiment as a whole, from pictures, Dutch Names, to everything else, he has helped me be sure everything I did was pretty much correct.
    Betaknight for his upcoming Dutch Faction Pack, can't wait!
    1thecop for teaching me how to lead during my time in the 4y/2tes. Thank you Cop, I hope your leadership has rubbed off on me.
    Wolfstar for the awesome rank picture thingies that I can't be bothered to think of the name of.
    TORN9000 for his unending support and helpful attitude towards the 44ste.
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