Recent content by Byako

  1. Body Editor Mesh Editor armor with the flag Covers_head ="true" may cause hand morphing to failure

    Bump, having the same issue. Using the covers_head="true" tag disables the hands morphing.

    <!-- Spacemarine Helmets -->
    <Item multiplayer_item="true" id="spacemarine_helmet" name="Spacemarine helmet" mesh="spacemarine_helmet" culture="Culture.imperium" subtype="head_armor" weight="5" difficulty="0" appearance="3.2" Type="headArmor">
            <Armor head_armor="100" covers_head="true" has_gender_variations="false" hair_cover_type="all" beard_cover_type="type1" modifier_group="plate" material_type="Plate" />
        <Flags />

    No helmet - no issue :

    Helmet equipped - hand shapekeys are disabled :

    Strangely enough the issue doesn't appear in interfaces when using BasicCharacterTableau to visualize agents.

    Seems it was also reported here back then :
  2. Am I the only one thinking that the targeting system is not good enough in it's current state ? (1.2.X)

    Well the targeting system does feel like it could really be improved. And having it in captain mode could make multiplayer more appealing again.
  3. Resolved Conversation system is not using weight of tags correctly

    It seems this issue has been fixed, since the LoadFromXML method has been modified to the one I suggested in the original post.
  4. Resolved Main Menu Only Has: "Options", "Credits", "Endgame" I cannot play the game at all.

    I'm not sure if I understood correctly but did you see something like this instead of my first screenshot ?

    If so, it means there is probably something wrong in this file :
    \Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Configs\LauncherData.xml
    You could try deleting this file and then restarting the game.

    The 5 "base" modules of the game (Native to StoryMode) should be ticked by default and you should not be able to untick them.
  5. Resolved Main Menu Only Has: "Options", "Credits", "Endgame" I cannot play the game at all.

    In your Steam library, right click on Bannerlord -> Properties -> Set Launch Options
    It should be empty.

    When you hit the launch button, does it start the game directly or does it start the game launcher ?
    If it starts the game launcher, can you check if you see the base game modules (from Native to StoryMode) like this :
  6. Resolved Conversation system is not using weight of tags correctly

    Hello, While digging in the Conversation System source code, I noticed this strange part in TaleWorlds.Core.GameTextManager : The XmlAttribute "weight" is not used at all. Instead, all tags get a default weight of 1 regardless of what was written in the XML. In addition, when the...
  7. Resolved Main Menu Only Has: "Options", "Credits", "Endgame" I cannot play the game at all.


    I think your modules (Sandbox, Storymode, ...) are not loaded correctly. I managed to reproduce your issue by loading only the Native module.
    How do you launch the game ? If you use Steam, please check the launching options.
  8. How to add and use new ConversationTags for conversation strings, to have unique conversations for certain characters?


    I'm not sure if it could be the cause of your problem but I just noticed this strange piece of code in TaleWorlds.Core.GameTextManager :

    private void LoadFromXML(XmlDocument doc)
        XmlAttributeCollection attributes = childNodes[i].Attributes;
        if (attributes != null)
            int weight = 1;
            XmlAttribute xmlAttribute = attributes["weight"];
            GameTextManager.ChoiceTag item = new GameTextManager.ChoiceTag(attributes["tag_name"].Value, weight);

    I started C# last week so I might miss something there but...
    The XmlAttribute "weight" doesn't seem used at all. Instead, all tags get a default weight of 1 regardless of what was written in the XML...

    If someone more experienced could confirm this, it might have a pretty big impact in choosing which lines are selected in conversations. :/

    Edit : I detailed the problem in this bug report :
  9. [Release v1.0.0] NoHarmony : mod loader for bannerlord

    Thanks for your reply ! I'm eager to see your future version then ^^
  10. [Release v1.0.0] NoHarmony : mod loader for bannerlord

    Hello and thanks a lot for your work.

    I'm totally new to C# and modding so I might be doing everything wrong.
    I can't get the ReplaceBehavior method to work with an internal class since it's inaccessible due to its protection level (SandBox.LordConversationsCampaignBehavior for example) :
    ReplaceBehavior<CustomLordConversationsCampaignBehavior, LordConversationsCampaignBehavior>();

    Is it supposed to work for internal class as well ? Is there a specific way to handle these ?
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