Recent content by BladeofWar's

  1. BladeofWar's

    [SP]Medieval Dawn : warriors of faith

    Başarılar diliyorum mod ekibine güzel bir mod olacak umarım
  2. BladeofWar's

    Xiognu Scenario (İPTAL)

    Umarım sadece OSP'lerle dolu bir birini takip eden modlar listesinde yer almaz, moda özgün özellikler de eklersin kolay gelsin
  3. BladeofWar's

    Trophies and gold after battle

    if you can't find any code, you can write a new script and you can add to common_battle_tab_press in

    common_battle_tab_press = ( ti_tab_pressed, 0, 0, [], [ (try_begin), (eq, "$g_battle_won", 1), (call_script, "script_count_mission_casualties_from_agents"),
    You can add your new script just below that.
  4. BladeofWar's

    Stuck on a Menu Screen (Mod Help)

    The solution is simple, use 1.2 and add a simple exit option to this specific menu implement the below solution.

    If you cannot grasp the basics of modding, just leave it alone then because you will end up frustrated when doing it. If you want to keep going, make sure to read tutorials on syntax (there are many of them, so it is impossible to not have stumbled upon them). Experience does not have anything to do with it; I had no experience when I started out but through careful examination of scripts I became a proficient coder. I advise you to do the same.

    If you know how to, you will not mess up the Steam directory of the game.

    I think you should try removing the following from continue submenu to see what happens next: (store_faction_of_troop, ":executer_faction", "$g_notification_menu_var2"), (neg|faction_slot_eq, ":executer_faction", slot_faction_leader, "trp_player"), because the rest of it looks fine.
    I agree with valedentella. in this code, if the player is not the owner of :executioner_faction, it enables the continue button to open, you should delete it and try again
  5. BladeofWar's

    [WB][SP]BannerWar V2

    geliştirmeye devam ediyor musunuz?
    evet ediyoruz bir ay ara verdik şimdi yeniden başladık kaldıgımız yerden
  6. BladeofWar's

    OSP Code Combat Hardcore fighting AI - Blocking, better positioning, feinting...etc

    Updated this for the "Battle for NA" mod. AI now fights like a proper competitive player, here is the source code. A lot of changes and improvements.

    You can take a peek at the AI in this trailer here:
    advanced_ai = (
    0, 0, 0, [
    (eq, "$advanced_ai_open", 1),
    # (neg|main_hero_fallen),
    ], [
        (get_player_agent_no, ":player"),
        (agent_is_active, ":player"),
        (agent_is_alive, ":player"),
        # (store_mission_timer_a, ":timer"),
        (store_mission_timer_b, ":timer_b"),
        # (store_mission_timer_c, ":timer_c"),
        # (store_mission_timer_a_msec, ":timer_mili"),
       (try_for_agents, ":agents"),
            # SOURCE CHECK
            (neq, ":agents", ":player"),    # Source Agent is not player
            (agent_is_active, ":agents"),   # Source Agent is present
            (agent_is_alive, ":agents"),    # Source Agent is alive
            (agent_is_human, ":agents"),    # Source Agent is not horse
            (agent_slot_eq, ":agents", slot_agent_is_running_away, 0), # Source Agent is not fleeing
            (agent_get_troop_id, ":troop_no", ":agents"),   # Get troop reference of the source agent
            (troop_get_slot, ":is_AI", ":troop_no", player_knows_how_to_play), # Source troop has AI
            (eq, ":is_AI", 1), # Source troop has AI
            (troop_get_slot, ":chance_AI", ":troop_no", player_skill_level), # # Source troop skill level
            (agent_get_team, ":agent_team", ":agents"),  # Get source team
            (team_get_movement_order, ":cur_team_order", ":agent_team"),
            (eq, ":cur_team_order", mordr_charge, grc_everyone),
            (agent_ai_get_look_target, ":target", ":agents"),   # Get the current enemy of the source agent
            (gt, ":target", 0),   # If there is a target
            # TARGET CHECK
            (agent_is_active, ":target"),
            (agent_is_alive, ":target"),
            (agent_is_human, ":target"),
            (agent_get_team, ":target_team", ":target"),
            (neq, ":target_team", ":agent_team"), #unfriendly teams
            # WEAPONS
                (agent_get_wielded_item, ":left_item_source", ":agents", 1),
                (gt, ":left_item_source", 0),
                # (item_get_type, ":left_item_type_source", ":left_item_source"),
                (agent_get_wielded_item, ":right_item_source", ":agents", 0),
                (gt, ":right_item_source", 0),
                # (item_get_type, ":right_item_type_source", ":right_item_source"),
                # (item_get_weapon_length, ":weapon_length_right_source", ":right_item_source"),
            # HORSE
            (agent_get_horse, ":horse", ":agents"),
            (eq, ":horse", -1), # no horse
            # (agent_get_animation, ":source_animation", ":agents"),
            (agent_get_animation, ":target_animation", ":target"),
            (agent_get_bone_position, pos55, ":agents", hb_foot_l, 1),
            (agent_get_bone_position, pos56, ":agents", hb_head, 1),
            # POSITION
            (agent_get_position, pos11, ":target"),
            (agent_get_position, pos12, ":agents"),
            (neg|position_is_behind_position, pos11, pos12), #agents are not behind each other
            (get_distance_between_positions, ":dist", pos11, pos12),
            # COMBAT INFO
            (agent_get_defend_action, ":pos_def", ":target"), #attack action
            (agent_get_action_dir, ":pos_atkdir", ":target"),
            (agent_get_attack_action, ":pos_atk", ":target"), #attack action
            # (agent_get_combat_state, ":pos_state", ":target"),
            # (agent_get_combat_state, ":source_state", ":agents"),
            # (agent_get_defend_action, ":source_defend_action", ":agents"), #defend action
            (agent_get_action_dir, ":source_attack_dir", ":agents"), # attack/block direction
            (agent_get_attack_action, ":source_attack_action", ":agents"), #attack action
            # (assign, reg5, ":source_attack_dir"),
            # (display_message, "@{reg5}"),
            (assign, ":continue", 0),
                (ge, ":chance_AI", 1),
                (assign, ":continue", 1),
                (store_random_in_range, ":chance_strength", 0, ":chance_AI"), #chance is based on troop
                (eq, ":chance_strength", 0),
                (assign, ":continue", 1),
            (eq, ":continue", 1),
            # switch between passive / agressive
            # (try_begin),
                # (eq, ":timer_b", 10),
                # (try_begin),
                    # (agent_slot_eq, ":agents", play_passive, 0),
                    # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", play_passive, 1),
                    # (agent_ai_set_aggressiveness, ":agents", 30),
                    # (display_message, "@I am passive now."),
                # (else_try),
                    # (agent_slot_eq, ":agents", play_passive, 1),
                    # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", play_passive, 0),
                    # (agent_ai_set_aggressiveness, ":agents", 100),
                    # (display_message, "@I am agressive now."),
                # (try_end),
                # (reset_mission_timer_b),
            # (try_end),
            # (store_random_in_range, ":decision", 1, 10),
            # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", run_block, 1),
            # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", run_feint, 1),
            # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", run_footwork, 1),
            # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", run_attack, 1),
            # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", run_counter_attack, 1),
            # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", run_chamber, 1),
            # (try_begin),
                # (troop_slot_ge, ":troop_no", this_guy_only_blocks, 1),
                # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", run_feint, -1),
                # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", run_footwork, -1),
                # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", run_attack, -1),
                # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", run_counter_attack, -1),
                # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", run_chamber, -1),
            # (try_end),
            # (try_begin),
                # (troop_slot_ge, ":troop_no", this_guy_only_s, 1),
                # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", run_feint, -1),
                # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", run_block, -1),
                # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", run_footwork, -1),
                # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", run_counter_attack, -1),
                # (agent_set_slot, ":agents", run_chamber, -1),
            # (try_end),
            # make ai block more when their hp is low
            # Chambering
                (store_random_in_range, ":dice_chamber", 0, 500),
                (eq, ":dice_chamber", 250),
                # (eq, ":source_attack_action", 0), # if free
                # (agent_slot_ge, ":agents", run_chamber, 1), # troop constraints
                (le, ":dist", 200), # IF close enough
                (eq, ":pos_atk", 2), # release attack
                # (eq, ":decision", 5), # decided to chamber
                    (eq, ":pos_atkdir", 0), # enemy is attackin down
                    (agent_set_attack_action, ":agents", 0, 0), # attack down
                    (eq, ":pos_atkdir", 1), # enemy is attackin right
                    (agent_set_attack_action,":agents", 2, 0),  # attack left
                    (eq, ":pos_atkdir", 2), # enemy is attackin left
                    (agent_set_attack_action, ":agents", 1, 0), # attack right
                    (eq, ":pos_atkdir", 3), # enemy is attacking up
                    (agent_set_attack_action, ":agents", 3, 0), # attack up
            # Release swing if he is readying
                (store_random_in_range, ":dice_to_release", 0, 5),
                (eq, ":dice_to_release", 3),
                (eq, ":source_attack_action", 1),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_def", 1),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_def", 2),
                (eq, ":pos_def", 0),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_atk", 3),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_atk", 4),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_atk", 6),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_atk", 7),
                (eq, ":pos_atk", 0),
                (agent_set_attack_action, ":agents", ":source_attack_dir", 0),
                # (display_message, "@Release"),
            # Make holds
                (eq, ":timer_b", 15),
                (store_random_in_range, ":random_dir", 1, 3),
                (agent_set_attack_action, ":agents", ":random_dir", 1),
                (agent_set_slot, ":agents", agent_cur_action, action_hold),
                (agent_slot_eq, ":agents", agent_cur_action, action_hold),
                (eq, ":timer_b", 16),
                (agent_set_attack_action, ":agents", ":source_attack_dir", 0),
                (agent_set_slot, ":agents", agent_cur_action, action_feint),
                # (agent_slot_ge, ":agents", run_counter_attack, 1),
                (le, ":dist", 200),
                (store_random_in_range, ":dice_counter", 0, 20),
                (eq, ":dice_counter", 15),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_def", 1),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_def", 2),
                (eq, ":pos_def", 0),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_atk", 3),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_atk", 4),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_atk", 6),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_atk", 7),
                (eq, ":pos_atk", 0),
                (store_random_in_range, ":random_dir", 1, 3),
                (store_random_in_range, ":random_action", 0, 1),
                (agent_set_attack_action, ":agents", ":random_dir", ":random_action"),
                # (display_message, "@Counter-attack"),
                # (ge, ":timer", 10), # ai starts feinting after 10 seconds into duel
                # (neg|agent_slot_eq, ":agents", agent_cur_action, action_hold),
                # (agent_slot_ge, ":agents", run_feint, 1),
                    # dice
                # (is_between, ":decision", 6, 8),
                # if distance is close enough
                # (eq, ":pos_def", 2),
                (le, ":dist", 225),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_def", 1),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_def", 2),
                (eq, ":pos_def", 0),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_atk", 3),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_atk", 4),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_atk", 6),
                (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_atk", 7),
                (eq, ":pos_atk", 0),
                # (display_message, "@Feinting."),
                (store_random_in_range, ":feint_times", 3, 12),
                (store_div, ":start_releasing", ":feint_times", 3),
                # Feint to different directions
                (try_for_range, ":feinting_amount", 0, ":feint_times"),
                    # (eq, ":pos_atkdir", ":source_attack_dir"),
                    (store_random_in_range, ":random_dir", 0, 4), # store direction
                    (neq, ":random_dir", "$last_direction"), # if it is not equal to last direction
                    # (assign, ":continue", 1),
                    # (try_begin),
                        # (eq, ":random_dir", 0),
                        # (le, ":dist", 100),
                        # (assign, ":continue", 0),
                        # (agent_force_rethink, ":agents"),
                    # (try_end),
                    # (eq, ":continue", 1),
                    # (agent_set_speed_modifier, ":agents", 50),
                    # (neq, ":pos_atkdir", ":source_attack_dir"),
                    (agent_force_rethink, ":agents"),
                        (ge, ":feinting_amount", ":start_releasing"),
                        (agent_set_attack_action, ":agents", ":random_dir", 0), # attack
                        (agent_set_attack_action, ":agents", ":random_dir", 1),
                    (assign, "$last_direction", ":random_dir"), # store the last used direction
                    # (assign, ":feint_times", -1),
                    # (display_message, "@Feint"),
                    (eq, ":feinting_amount", ":feint_times"),
                    (assign, ":feinting_amount", -1),
            # Track how many feints player do in a second and if its above 3, %100 hit
            # Footwork
                # (agent_slot_ge, ":agents", run_footwork, 1),
                # When distance is too far, come closer to target
                    # (try_begin),
                        # (troop_slot_ge, ":troop_no", this_guy_only_s, 1),
                        # (val_mul, pos11, -1),
                    # (else_try),
                        (ge, ":dist", 225),
                    # (try_end),
                    (agent_force_rethink, ":agents"),
                    (agent_set_scripted_destination, ":agents", pos11, 0, 1),
                # When close enough,
                    (store_random_in_range, ":right", -150, -450),
                    (store_random_in_range, ":left", 150, 350),
                    # (store_random_in_range, ":up", 25, 75),
                    (store_random_in_range, ":forward", 50, 150),
                    # (store_random_in_range, ":up_down", 150, -150),
                    # (store_random_in_range, ":blocking", -500, 500),
                    (agent_force_rethink, ":agents"),
                    # (copy_position, pos13, pos12),
                    # (store_random_in_range, ":dice_for_footwork", 0, 3),
                    # (eq, ":dice_for_footwork", 2),
                    (agent_clear_scripted_mode, ":agents"),
                    # ATTACKING / BLOCKING
                        # # WITH SHIELD
                        # # ONLY BLOCK
                        # (gt, ":left_item_source", 0), # if he has item on left hand
                        # (eq, ":left_item_type_source", itp_type_shield), # if the item is shield
                        # (eq, ":source_animation", "anim_defend_shield"),
                        # # (eq, ":source_attack_action", 2), # guarding
                        # (position_move_x, pos12, ":shield"),
                        # (display_message, "@I have shield."),
                    # (else_try),
                        # NO SHIELD
                        # BY SOURCE POS
                        # ATTACK
                            (eq, ":source_attack_dir", 0), #down
                            (position_move_x, pos12, ":right"),
                            # (try_begin),
                                # (store_random_in_range, ":dice_forward", 0, 6),
                                # (eq, ":dice_forward", 5),
                                (position_move_y, pos12, ":forward"),
                            # (try_end),
                            (eq, ":source_attack_dir", 1), #slashright
                            (position_move_x, pos12, ":right"),
                            # (try_begin),
                                # (store_random_in_range, ":dice_forward", 0, 6),
                                # (eq, ":dice_forward", 5),
                                (position_move_y, pos12, ":forward"),
                            # (try_end),
                            (eq, ":source_attack_dir", 2), #slashleft
                            (position_move_x, pos12, ":left"),
                             # (try_begin),
                                # (store_random_in_range, ":dice_forward", 0, 6),
                                # (eq, ":dice_forward", 5),
                                (position_move_y, pos12, ":forward"),
                            # (try_end),
                            (eq, ":source_attack_dir", 3), #overswing
                            (position_move_x, pos12, ":left"),
                            # (try_begin),
                                # (store_random_in_range, ":dice_forward", 0, 6),
                                # (eq, ":dice_forward", 5),
                                (position_move_y, pos12, ":forward"),
                            # (try_end),
                        # BY TARGET POS
                          # ATTACK
                        # (try_begin),
                            # (eq, ":source_attack_dir", 0), #down
                            # (position_move_x, pos11, ":right"),
                            # (try_begin),
                                # (store_random_in_range, ":dice_forward", 0, 10),
                                # (eq, ":dice_forward", 5),
                                # (position_move_y, pos11, ":forward"),
                            # (try_end),
                        # (else_try),
                            # (eq, ":source_attack_dir", 1), #slashright
                            # (position_move_x, pos11, ":right"),
                            # (try_begin),
                                # (store_random_in_range, ":dice_forward", 0, 10),
                                # (eq, ":dice_forward", 5),
                                # (position_move_y, pos11, ":forward"),
                            # (try_end),
                            # (position_move_y, pos11, ":up_down"),
                        # (else_try),
                            # (eq, ":source_attack_dir", 2), #slashleft
                            # (position_move_x, pos11, ":left"),
                            # (try_begin),
                                # (store_random_in_range, ":dice_forward", 0, 10),
                                # (eq, ":dice_forward", 5),
                                # (position_move_y, pos11, ":forward"),
                            # (try_end),
                            # (position_move_y, pos11, ":up_down"),
                        # (else_try),
                            # (eq, ":source_attack_dir", 3), #overswing
                            # (position_move_x, pos11, ":left"),
                            # (try_begin),
                                # (store_random_in_range, ":dice_forward", 0, 10),
                                # (eq, ":dice_forward", 5),
                                # (position_move_y, pos11, ":forward"),
                            # (try_end),
                            # (position_move_y, pos11, ":forward"),
                        # (try_end),
                        # (display_message, "@I have no shield."),
                    # (try_begin),
                        # (troop_slot_ge, ":troop_no", this_guy_only_s, 1),
                        # (agent_set_scripted_destination, ":agents", pos13, 0, 1),
                    # (else_try),
                        # (agent_set_speed_modifier, ":agents", 100),
                        # (agent_clear_scripted_mode, ":agents"),
                            # (store_random_in_range, ":move_by_player", 0, 2),
                            # (try_begin),
                                # (eq, ":move_by_player", 0),
                                (agent_set_scripted_destination, ":agents", pos12, 0, 1),
                            # (else_try),
                                # (agent_set_scripted_destination, ":agents", pos11, 0, 1),
                            # (try_end),
            # Move agent back after completing a release
            # (try_begin),
                # (this_or_next|eq, ":source_attack_action", 6),
                # (eq, ":source_attack_action", 3),
                # (position_move_y, pos12, -600),
                # (agent_set_scripted_destination, ":agents", pos12, 0, 1),
            # (try_end),
            # make footwork inverse for allowed players
            # Target Switching
            # Make head of the source move up and down when is attacking
            # (try_begin),
                # (store_random_in_range, ":look", 0, 2),
                # (try_begin),
                    # (eq, ":look", 0),
                    # (agent_set_look_target_position, ":agents", pos55),
                    # # (display_message, "@look at foot"),
                # (else_try),
                     # (agent_set_look_target_position, ":agents", pos56),
                     # # (display_message, "@look at head"),
                 # (try_end),
            # (try_end),
            # Cavalry
            # Bump-lance
            # Archers
            # Leg shot
            # AI kick
            # (try_begin),
                # (neq, ":source_animation", "anim_prepare_kick_0"),
                # (store_random_in_range, ":dice_kick", 0, 100),
                # (eq, ":dice_kick", 50),
                # (le, ":dist", 80),
                # (eq, ":timer", 30),
                # (agent_set_attack_action, ":agents", -2, -2),
                # (agent_set_attack_action, ":target", -2, -2),
                # (agent_set_defend_action, ":agents", -2, -2),
                # (agent_set_defend_action, ":target", -2, -2),
                # (agent_set_animation, ":agents", "anim_prepare_kick_0"),
                # (agent_deliver_damage_to_agent, ":agents", ":target", 3),
                # (agent_set_animation, ":target", -1),
                # (agent_set_animation, ":target", "anim_strike3_abdomen_front"), # Get Kicked
                # (store_random_in_range, ":random_dir", 0, 3), # store direction
                # (agent_set_attack_action, ":agents", ":random_dir", 0), # attack
                # (display_message, "@Agent kicks."),
            # (try_end),
            # AI kicks over jumps
                (le, ":dist", 200),
                (eq, ":target_animation", "anim_prepare_kick_0"),
                (agent_set_attack_action, ":agents", -2, -2),
                (agent_set_attack_action, ":target", -2, -2),
                (agent_set_defend_action, ":agents", -2, -2),
                (agent_set_defend_action, ":target", -2, -2),
                (agent_set_animation, ":agents", "anim_jump"),
                (display_message, "@Agent avoids kicks."),
                # (agent_slot_ge, ":agents", run_block, 1),
                # (try_begin),
                    # (troop_slot_ge, ":troop_no", this_guy_only_blocks, 1),
                # (else_try),
                    # (this_or_next|eq, ":pos_atk", 3), # completing attack after hit
                # (assign, ":continue", 0),
                # (try_begin),
                    # (agent_slot_eq, ":agents", play_passive, 1),
                    # (assign, ":continue", 1),
                # (else_try),
                    # (agent_slot_eq, ":agents", play_passive, 0),
                    # (store_random_in_range, ":dice_block", 0, 15),
                    # (try_begin),
                        # (eq, ":dice_block", 12),
                        (eq, ":pos_atk", 2), # releasing attack
                    # (else_try),
                        # (eq, ":pos_atk", 2), # readying attack
                    # (try_end),
                    # (eq, ":pos_def", 0),
                    # (assign, ":continue", 1),
                # (try_end),
                # (eq, ":continue", 1),
                 (le, ":dist", 400), # close enough
                    # (le, ":decision", 4), # decision made
                # (try_end),
                (agent_force_rethink, ":agents"),
                #(store_random_in_range, ":random_chance", 1, 150),
                    (eq, ":pos_atkdir", 0),
                    (agent_set_defend_action, ":agents", 0, 0),
                    (eq, ":pos_atkdir", 1),
                    (agent_set_defend_action, ":agents", 1, 0),
                    (eq, ":pos_atkdir", 2),
                    (agent_set_defend_action, ":agents", 2, 0),
                    (eq, ":pos_atkdir", 3),
                    (agent_set_defend_action, ":agents", 3, 0),

    This is needed for this to work with orders.

    ai_order = (
    ti_on_order_issued, 0, 0, [],
        (store_trigger_param_1, ":order"),
        # Run AI only when order is charge
            (eq, ":order", mordr_charge),
            (assign, "$advanced_ai_open", 1),
            (display_message, "@On"),
            (assign, "$advanced_ai_open", 0),
            (display_message, "@Off"),
        # Restart the AI or default AI
        (try_for_agents, ":agents"),
            (agent_is_human, ":agents"),
            (agent_is_alive, ":agents"),
            (agent_clear_scripted_mode, ":agents"),
            (agent_force_rethink, ":agents"),

    Hope you like it!

    Thanks for this. Awesome
  7. BladeofWar's

    [WB][SP]BannerWar V2

    Yeni modellerden sadece bir kaçı;


  8. BladeofWar's

    [WB] Oyuna Yoldaş Eklemek

    Merhaba , oyuna Morgh's üzerinden bir karakter ekledim ve ben bu karakteri mesela drihim hanına veye Tulga hanında bi yere koymak istiyorum nasıl yapabilirim ?
    module system kullanmalısın
  9. BladeofWar's

    [WB][SP]BannerWar V2

    Mod çıkacak ama mp olurmu bilmiyorum İbrahim Pasha ile konuşmam lazım sunucu için
    Bu modu çıkartabilir ve online hale getirebilirsen gerçekten çok hoş olur
  10. BladeofWar's

    [WB]Modül Sistem Platformu [Krallık ekleme dersi yenilendi!]

    bende factions renk kodu gözükmüyor onun yerine mb warband editorden renk değiştirdim birşey olurmu?
    Morghs editorden yaptığın değişiklikler module systemde ki bat dosyasını çalıştırınca gider.
  11. BladeofWar's

    [WB][SP]BannerWar V2

    warband bannerWar v2 modu ne zaman hızmete sunulcak arkadaşalr bilgisi olan varmı
    Ceyxiong'un da dediği gibi herhangi bir aksilik olmazsa eğer Temmuz 2021 gibi çıkabilir.

    Bu süreye kadar sizleri habersiz bırakmayacağız tabiki, developer blog kuşatma savaş sahnesi vs.. gibi videolar göndereceğiz. Takipte kalın!
  12. BladeofWar's

    İlkbahar Lakırtısı

    neden profil fotoğraflarımız ve isimlerimiz çizgi film karakteri oluyor? bilen var mı
    bari güzel bir barbie bebek resmi koysaydınız bana :smile:
  13. BladeofWar's

    Bir mod isteğim var, duruma göre Taleworlds'te yapabilir!

    Ben mod yapmayı bilmem anlamam ve bu biraz kişisel bir istek olarak algılanabilir ama oyunda olmasını istediğim bir özellik var. Eskiden Gta San Andreas'ta radyoda user files seçeneği ile arabadayken kendi yüklediğimiz şarkıları oyunda dinleyebilirdik. Buna benzer bir sistemin Bannerlord'da da olmasını şu anda ciddi anlamda arzuluyorum. Biliyorsunuz Oyunda yoğunca bir savaş temposuna girebiliyoruz ve sürekli aynı şarkıları dinlemek bazen bıktırabiliyor. Yanlış Anlaşılma olmasın Taleworlds müzik işinde gerçekten harika bir işe imza atmış her birini severek dinliyorum ama oyunu gün içinde 4 saat oynadıktan sonra aynı şarkıları dinlemek yorucu geliyor. Bir mod olsa kendi yüklediğim şarkıları savaş veya sefer haritası üzerinde dinleyebilsem hatta bu şarkıları kategorize edebilsem (örneğin Batanya ile savaşıyorsam yüklediğim Kelt müziği, Kuzait ile savaşıyorsam yüklediğim gırtlak müziği çalsa) benim için deneyim başka bir yere ulaşırdı. Böyle bir eklenti yapılabilir mi ya da ben kendim yapabilir miyim böyle bir şeyi eğer çok zor değilse? Ya da bunu gönüllülük esaslı birileri mod olarak yapar mı? Şimdiden İyi Forumlar...
    Selamlar, ben mod yapımcısıyım (warband için) bu dediğinizi kendi modumda yapmaya çalışacağım. Kendi müziğini ekleme ve savaş içinde çalma
    iyi forumlar...
  14. BladeofWar's

    Diplomasiyi ayarlama

    peki barış için nasıl bir kod ekleyeceğim
    ayrıca bu kodu module_triggers'ın en altına ekliyorum değil mi?
    üstte yazılan kod sürekli savaş halinde olmalarını sağlar (bir kere savaşta olmaları için 0.1 yerine ti_once yazarsın), module_triggers'da müsait bir yere ekleyebilirsin. barış içinde :
    (ti_once, 0, 0.0, [],
            (set_relation, "fac_kingdom_1", "fac_kingdom_2", 1),
            (set_relation, "fac_kingdom_2", "fac_kingdom_1", 1),
    bu kodu ekleyebilirsin, koda assign ve eq operationları ile belli bir olay gerçekleşmişse barış yapmalarını sağlayabilirsin
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