Recent content by billz4money

  1. Thoughts on the New update?

    So generally people are unhappy?
  2. Thoughts on the New update?

    What are your guy's Thoughts on the new Update?
  3. Beta Patch Notes e1.4.3

    BUG report

    Just updated the game there, something wonky going on with trees and plants......

    The plants get so thick I can hardly see what I'm at.
    Tried new campaign, old saved games etc, nothing working.
    Welcome to the ricefields.
  4. Beta Patch Notes e1.4.3

    this update seems to be preparing for Mod tools That means there coming within the next few updates right?
  5. Beta Patch Notes e1.4.3

    Is this the Code refactor Update?
  6. Beta Patch Notes e1.4.2

    which one is the code refactor?
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