Recent content by BetrayTheWorld

  1. BetrayTheWorld

    All About Qualis Gems - SPOILERS!

    Ok, I'd like to start this thread to get an up to date source for qualis gem information. I've already searched other threads as well as the wiki, then tested several things from both of them only to find they they're all horribly out of date. It would be very much appreciated if people would be...
  2. BetrayTheWorld

    Requests for custom banners, surcoats and shields

    Very good. Thank you. I appreciate it.
  3. BetrayTheWorld

    Requests for custom banners, surcoats and shields

    If anyone could make a banner with this symbol on it, I'd appreciate it. I'd like it to have a background similar to the color currently present.

    EDIT: Will pay 100k in CRPG gold, or even a couple USD if you have a way to accept it. (For a good, textured banner)
  4. BetrayTheWorld

    Please Help: Loot, Battle Size, and Standard Tweaks for PoP

    Maxwell Hall said:
    does looting skill effect loot dropped?

    I don't know if anyone really knows the answer to this question. Looting has been described by modders in other threads as "black box", in that it's handled by the engine, and you can't really get a good look at the code that handles it. So, it's fairly safe to say that looting is very likely the least understood skill in the game.
  5. BetrayTheWorld

    Your favorite ranged weapon

    Toss-up between Noldor Composite Bow and Assassin Throwing Knives.
  6. BetrayTheWorld

    [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    Extor said:
    Well why not just copy your PoP folder and put it on your desktop or something, as a back up, and then putting the mod into PoP to test it?

    Sometimes mods/tweaks can appear to work fine, and not reveal that they messed things up until far later, on a seemingly unrelated issue.
  7. BetrayTheWorld

    [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    Extor said:
    I think i read somewhere on the PoP forum that if you add a mod, no matter what it is, it could mess the game up.

    People use mods and tweaks constantly. Half the people here use TweakMB and Battlesizer with PoP. Certain mods/tweaks work fine with it, while others mess things up. That's why I am asking here, to see if anyone knows definitively how this particular tweak works with PoP.
  8. BetrayTheWorld

    Your Class and Weapon

    I've recently started seeking out the ebony swords for my companions. They are comparable to noldor swords, and far cheaper to obtain.
  9. BetrayTheWorld

    [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers


    I recall a mod/tweak in which you could join a battle on any side you wished, regardless of relations. Does this conflict with PoP in any way? I would like to improve relations with the Knights of Eventide, but can't seem to help them in any of their battles.

    P.S. If it DOES work, I could use a link to the tweak if anyone has it.
  10. BetrayTheWorld

    Please Help: Loot, Battle Size, and Standard Tweaks for PoP

    Yeah, TweakMB worked for me. I was able to change the number of reinforcement waves, as shown in the above spoiler.
  11. BetrayTheWorld

    [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    Cracka said:
    Also, at which point does the game run a stat check for skills such as Surgery ? .. If my surgeon dies mid-battle, does this mean the party no longer benefits from his skill for the remainder of the battle ?

    Yes, that's what it means. From my understanding, the stat check for surgery happens each time one of your units is struck with a potentially lethal blow from a cutting or piercing weapon.
  12. BetrayTheWorld

    [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    I recall a mod/tweak in which you could join a battle on any side you wished, regardless of relations. Does this conflict with PoP in any way? I would like to improve relations with the Knights of Eventide, but can't seem to help them in any of their battles.

    P.S. If it DOES work, I could use a link to the tweak if anyone has it.
  13. BetrayTheWorld

    Thoughts on this mod?

    As an addendum to my original post, regarding SoD:

    SoD and PoP are my two favorite mods from M&B Vanilla. SoD for Vanilla has the most advanced features of any mod I've played for original M&B. Unfortunately, the person responsible for creating the original SoD is no longer modding, and those who have taken over the SoD mod for warband have yet to produce a playable mod that has features anything close to the original. SoD is still a work in progress, and PoP is a completed mod. So between the two, as far as warband mods are concerned, there is no contest at the moment. My advice would be to play PoP for the moment, and keep an eye on SoD for updates on their progress.
  14. BetrayTheWorld

    Thoughts on this mod?

    @ OP:

    It's a great mod with interesting lore, and fun features. It is significantly more difficult than native. If you use battlesizer, and play with all settings tuned to hard, I'm sure it will be plenty difficult enough. I am a casual gamer, and don't play with maxxed out difficulty settings because I don't like the frustration. I enjoy the epic 300 to 3000 army victories.  :cool:
  15. BetrayTheWorld

    Any tips to find Finneas de Digit?

    Randomly found him in Torbah when I wasn't looking. He moves too often, I think. It keeps you from being able to find him when you're looking, because by the time you get to the town he WAS at, he's moved on to one you've already looked in.
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