Recent content by benji_bo

  1. benji_bo

    Resolved [1.0.4] Tier 5 and 6 prisoners cannot be recruited

    It should take a long time to recruit tier 5 and 6 prisoners (as described by @FutureHendrix in this thread discussing the conformity bar of prisoners), but apparently there is a bug making these prisoners unrecruitable anyway. This bug is addressed by the mod Recruitable and was originally...
  2. benji_bo

    [1.0.4] Prisoner conformity bar bugged (?)

    Okay I put an edit in my first post to reflect the current state of this discussion.
  3. benji_bo

    Mechanic behind recruiting prisoners

    Check out this thread. @FutureHendrix summed it up very well.
  4. benji_bo

    [1.0.4] Prisoner conformity bar bugged (?)

    Good questions!

    1. If we plug in the number 5 into the formula, we actually get 66, so there isn't a discrepancy between the code and what you see in game there. The thing is, the way the game calculates "tier" is based on the level of your troops that you see when you click on them in the party view. The way we naturally think of tiers is by just counting how many rows there are (so the bottom row is "tier 5" to us. To simplify it, in the game files, the "GetCharacterTier" function does this calculation: (CharacterLevel - 5)/5, and then round up to the nearest whole number. It's funny that I used the Khajit troop as an example, because it's level 31, whereas some other Top Tier troops look like they are around level 26 or so. That leaves the Khajit Troop actually being Rank 6, not Rank 5, so that was my mistake.

    2. That was a typo on my part. It's a dailyTick, so you gain one conformity per day, not hour.

    3. Yes. So another way to put it is this in pseudo-code:
        pick one of these prisoners at random
        generate a decimal number between 0 and 1 (you could also think of it has 0-100)
        if the random number chosen is less than the value assigned to that prisoner:
    t        recruit the prisoner
    The number of times that that code is run is equal to the number of prisoners you have.

    So understand that that does not mean you will definitely try to recruit each prisoner each day. If you're unlucky, you might only try to recruit 5 out of the 20 prisoners you have, because those 5 prisoners were chosen at random 20 different times on a single day.

    4. The important part of the last snippet says that if you rolled the dice luckily with the random number between 0 and 1, the prisoner can then be recruited. Checking conformity is handled elsewhere, but it's straightforward enough to check that so I won't go into detail.

    And to your edit: I've only played like 7 hours of the actual game lol, so I'm not sure, but I'll look into that next, maybe make a mod until it gets fixed if so. Also, use the mod recommended earlier, it fixes a bug with recruitment that I missed earlier. That should fix the problem of not being able to recruit high level prisoners.

    Thanks for the detailed explanations. No more questions! Also, that slip with "khajit" instead of "khuzait" was awesome haha.
  5. benji_bo

    [1.0.4] Prisoner conformity bar bugged (?)

    All prisoners by default are recruitable.
    Thanks for investigating this and the explanation. I definitely can't read the code haha. I'm still a little confused on a few points:
    1. In game it says a tier 5 needs 66 conformity rather than 78. Is the formula (24 * (0.25 + (0.5 * {character tier}))) the minimum number of days to get enough conformity then?
    2. A tier 5 prisoner takes at least 78 days to recruit. If this prisoner generates 1 conformity per hour and requires 66 conformity, why does it not take 66 hours rather than 78 days? I can see why it would take longer because of randomness, but it seems like the in-game tooltips are suggesting that the minimum would be 66 hours.
    3. The random number generation happens once per day per prisoner. Is this the random integer between 0 and the number of prisoners? Or the random double? I'm hoping the former because (correct me if I'm wrong) that seems to increase the odds of recruiting.
    4. Does this random number generator only take effect to determine recruitability, i.e. when one of my prisoners has enough conformity? If so, would this basically mean that recruiting a prisoner requires a certain amount of conformity and for them to be randomly selected afterward? I guess I don't understand the takeaway from this part of the code.
    Sorry for the wall of text!

    EDIT: One last question. If the prisoners are supposed to be generating conformity (if very slowly) shouldn't their conformity bars be filling up over time? Could this element of prisoner recruitment be bugged?
  6. benji_bo

    [1.0.4] Prisoner conformity bar bugged (?)

    All prisoners by default look to be recruit-able from looking at the code. What rank are those Sea Raider Chiefs?
    I think they're tier 4. Are you looking at the xml files and if so which ones?
  7. benji_bo

    Need More Info Persuasion progress bugged dialogs (Minor Bug)

    Yeah, That happens whenever you leave a speech check and reload. It mainly just causes a problem if I'm "scum saving" to get through dialog. Closing the game and reopening has always worked for me but it would be nice if it didn't happen
    Yeah thanks. This worked for me too
  8. benji_bo

    [1.0.4] Prisoner conformity bar bugged (?)

    I've noticed anything tier 5+ cannot be recruited. Tier 4 and below eventually can. The conformity bar does not visibly fill up with any prisoners
    Okay same for me too. Just tried it out with a bunch of prisoners. It took a couple weeks in game for the Sea Raider Chief to be recruitable.
  9. benji_bo

    [1.0.4] Prisoner conformity bar bugged (?)

    So my raider has now been recruited (I have no idea how long I've had him but it's been a while). It looks as though they just take a great deal of time to recruit or there is some sort of bug.
    When the raider was recruitable, did the conformity bar look filled up? Or was it still empty?

    I have the exact same issue with Bushwackers and Forest Bandits. I recruited one Bushwacker normally, but others from the stack do not gain conformity. Other troops like looters seem to be recruitable just fine.
    I've had 6 imperial cataphracs for like 100+ IGN days, yet I have not been able to recruit them.
    I'll see if I can recruit these prisoners in my game.
  10. benji_bo

    Resolved Corrupt Save?

    Size of savefile grow constantly, 47th save crashes game on loading. Save #46 works fine, but next savefile - dead.
    Eh... after 1.0.1 we have that - "I'm gonna break your saves, nice and slow".
    1.0.2 not better. Still have save crashes.
    I'll test this method out in the 1.0.0 beta and update when I'm done.
  11. benji_bo

    Game breaking faction/kingdom snowballing balance problem

    They fixed this yesterday night, maybe try it out?
    Oh cool. Thanks for the info. Just checked 1.0.2 patch notes, and it looks like defection has been decreased.
  12. benji_bo

    Game breaking faction/kingdom snowballing balance problem

    One thing I've noticed that might be contributing to this is that when factions are at war, lords from the losing faction slowly defect to the winning faction. So if a faction is doing well in a war, not only are they gaining loot, settlements, and the benefit of not having their army completely destroyed, but they are also gaining new lords. The more lords a faction has, the greater its max strength.
  13. benji_bo

    [1.0.4] Prisoner conformity bar bugged (?)

    Some of my prisoners are not recruitable because they do not gain conformity over time. So far I have noticed it with Karakhuzait Elder and Khuzait Heavy Horse Archer. Both of these are max tier troops, so maybe this issue is related to that. And maybe this is intended behavior and max tier...
  14. benji_bo

    Resolved Archer formations sometimes don't shoot unless at very close range. Possible reason.

    Interesting about people only having it at night. The time of day doesn't seem to have an effect for me.
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