Recent content by Avvrial

  1. Need More Info Battle Numbers and Banners are swapped in Preview

    Summary: So like before the battle begins you're given the choice to attack or run or w.e. On that screen, at the top, it shows Attacking Army, Defender Army, The total number of troops and the banners of the leaders from each side. In the Screenshot, my side (purple banner) has 211 Troops while...
  2. Need More Info Shared Food with Starving Army Missing... Something?

    Summary: When I share food with a starving army that I'm in, I gain... something. Like .6 or .2 or a number of something, but I have no idea what. How to Reproduce:Join an Army that has at least one leader without food. Quest/Settlement Name (if related):N/A Media (Screenshots & Video): Can't...
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