Recent content by alste

  1. alste

    Legion V Alaudae [Recruiting | NA/EU]

    Who are we? The Legion V Alaudae is a clan for the mod Rome at War & March of Rome. It has held a prestigious place amongst the community, having started in 2013 during the active times of Mount and Gladius. After a long break, it has returned and will do its best to return to the status it once...
  2. alste

    Αθηναίοι οπλίτες (Athenian Hoplites)

    I would join and make a grand return to roman mods for Mount and Blade, but im not sure. Is this mod active at all?

    I would be interested in remaking Legion V now that I have time for it.
  3. alste

    Αθηναίοι οπλίτες (Athenian Hoplites)

    Steam name: nfl11wii
    In game name: DaffierPie
    Age: 15
    Where are you from?: Usa east coast
    Why do you want to join?: Because I know jepe and this clan brings back memories. I know im not in EU but i dont lag on EU servers.
  4. alste

    Legio V Alaudae (RaW) - New Thread

    Kryptea said:
    I. Steam Name:pinkhippo99
    II. Name for tag (example: V_Alaudae_Tir_name here):V_Alaudae_Tir_Kryptea
    III. Why are you interested in joining:because i love roman era mods and want to partake in the multiplayer events
    IV. Do you have teamspeak 3:yes
    V. Do you have the mod "Rome at War" and have you played at all before:ive played the singleplayer

    Accepted, welcome to the Legion. We will add you on steam.
  5. alste

    Rome at War Friday Shieldbattle [CANCELLED]

    Clan Name: Legion V Alaudae
    Steam Name: nfl11wii
    Preferred Faction: Romans or Gauls
    Amount attending: 10
  6. alste

    Warband Internet Servers Problem

    Hello, I cant seem to find any RaW servers... any servers on any warband mod for that matter. When I choose my character and head into multiplayer, it says "Retreiving server list..." and is stuck like that for a few minutes, then some thing pops up that says "Unable to connect to server." and I...
  7. alste

    Rome at War: Technical Support

    Which Thread? I am not exactly sure what my problem is...
  8. alste

    Rome at War: Technical Support

    Hello, I cant seem to find any RaW servers... any servers on any warband mod for that matter. When I choose my character and head into multiplayer, it says "Retreiving server list..." and is stuck like that for a few minutes, then some thing pops up and I have to hit back. Anybody know why this is happening?
  9. alste

    Post here if you're recruiting for a clan or looking to join one!

    Legion V Alaudae Is Recruiting NA/EU

    If you are interested in joining our humble but fun legion, you may contact a leader on steam:
    Legatus's steam page:
    Centurion's steam page:
    Or you may follow this link to our thread and post an application:,267778.0.html
  10. alste

    Prviot Hetairoi (First Companion Cavalry) [NA/EU]

    Very nice thread. I think I also saw both of you ingame, goodluck!  :grin:
  11. alste

    People who can record

    I could record with fraps, I've done it before.
  12. alste

    ~Concern~ The NA Community

    I could definitely try to do something. I could make a NA based legion, and try to make it as successful as the V was. Problem is, steam didnt let me connect for a while, and if it happens again, I won't be back for a while I bet.
  13. alste

    23. Rheinische Infanterie Regiment {Recruiting US/EU}

    4th page? How could I let this happen. First page train, leaving now.

  14. alste

    94th "Scotch Brigade" Highlander Regiment of Foot [Recruiting EU/NA]


    Well, you ARE color pinkknight, and your avatar has rainbows coming out of his ass, so yeah.

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