Recent content by AlhanalemTheYuke

  1. How deep does Bannerlord's strategy get?

    no cutscenes
    There is one at the beginning. (Really wish we had the weddings like in the original though instead of just one click and you're married.

    There are some legitimate points here, but there are some improvements. Armies, kingdom policies, being able to abdicate leadership (and create an endless cycle of conquering the world and re-conquering it). The character progression is better, and while the companions are generated (they kind of need to be as the game has children and aging), this also means you're not stuck with one fixed set of them for the entire game (And despite teh disgareements that can occur between them in Warband, you can get easily into a state where they all stay with you as long as morale is high so its kind of pointless). And unlike in warband, you can make them party leaders without giving them feifs, which offsets not being able to give out villages as feifs.

    I feel like you make things sound a lot worse than they are. Yeah, there are a lot of things from Warband you could argue are "missing" here, but Banner.lord also does its share of new things.

    (Why does the foru.m (???) change "banner.lord" to "bossgrug????")
  2. Bizzare issue with promoting a companion

    It looks like this (the granting a feif you dont really own yet to a companion to create a clan) was fixed in the 1.7.2 beta, by preventing you from granting a feif during the time after it is taken and before it has been voted on.
  3. How deep does Bannerlord's strategy get?

    Clever troop command can give you a bit of an advantage, but it's rarely outcome determinant, so unless you're in a fight that's stacked against you, you don't need to care too much about tactics.

    Most battles are really decided by troop numbers and quality, and maybe a bit of using the perks granted by commanders.
  4. The unit grouping is not very nice, bring back the old roman numeral system :(

    This game already has a ludicrous number of options. There's this problem in software development, called "Feature creep," where you keep adding another feature and another and then it becomes too much to maintain and manage for development. While options are good, there is such a thing as too many, where it is likely to create more bugs and more problems for development.

    All of the units for the unit training quest should be the same kind, so this is only really an issue at all if you already have troops of that kind. Really the priority right now should be bug squashing.

    The comments here make this out to be some kind of huge issue. But it's a mountain being made out of a molehill.
  5. Bizzare issue with promoting a companion

    Don't think it's a bug. But it does seems to be a quirky edge case in the way multiple game system interucts. Every time a fief is won a few days later there is a vote on who to assign it too. Before the vote happens it temporary belongs to faction leader. Sounds like you assigned something to the new clan that did not permanently belonged to you because the vote did not happen yet.
    Honestly, I see two bugs here (or poorly designed features):
    The first is that I was able to award a fief through the companion promotion process when the fate of that feif still needed to be decided for the kingdom. A feif that has not yet been decided should not be selectable when promoting a companion.

    The second bug is that when I promoted them and they became leader of a new clan, they didn't stop being my companion and got removed from the new clan after being defeated in battle.
  6. Why are Simulated Sieges SO different than the actual siege ?

    All I know is simulated battles always always turn out WAY worse for me than if I play the battle out. I can take 200 men to battle a dozen bandits and have zero casualties every time, but if I do the auto battle, I will lose a few men.

    I've been told certain stats and perks affect the simulation outcome but I find myself taking the actual battle even if it's trivial, just to avoid needless casualties.
  7. Bizzare issue with promoting a companion

    So here's the following steps that took place: I lead my own faction. I took over a castle from an enemy. I spo2ke to one of my companions "Jythea the Wronged" and granted her the castle I just took, which creates a clan with her as the leader. Two days later I am forced to grant the same castle...
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