Recent content by 别杀鸡

  1. 别杀鸡

    The China custom test server, a petition from our community.

  2. 别杀鸡

    Deliberate teamkiller in East Asia Skirmish - rampant for 3+weeks

    It is really painful for most of east asia players!
    I don't want to see him again!
    He damaged my game experience seriously......
  3. 别杀鸡

    你的电脑玩Bannerlord流畅吗?分享一下你的配置和体验吧?(How is the experience about your PC running Bannerlord? Share your story!)

    处理器/ CPU: i7-4790k
    显卡/ GPU: 1660ti
    内存/ RAM: 16G
    硬盘/ HDD: SSD
    版本/ Game Version: 最新版本
    特效水平Graphic level/分辨率 resolution/帧数 frames

    一下以最高 2560x1440为标准
    有场景、环境 1000人步兵 观望两军战斗45-60 冲人堆20-40
    骑兵600的话 在战斗过程中会比1000步兵卡
  4. 别杀鸡

    你觉得骑砍2的主机版有必要吗?为什么?(Do you think the console version of Bannerlord is necessary? Why?)

    本人没有主机 不太理解主机玩家一些情况 仅供参考
    没必要 原因:
    1.极其别扭的战斗 手柄不认为能很好控制玩家
    2.无法打上mod 或者修改游戏

    当然 时间技术允许的话可以有
  5. 别杀鸡

    Will there be Victorian dlc?

    I think so...
    I can't describe it well
    Waiting and Hoping
  6. 别杀鸡

    Most Anticipated Bannerlord Mods?

    Solid & Shade , Light and Darkness , The epic of Faya
    These mods are really amazing!
  7. 别杀鸡

    Future DLC'S / update thoughts

    Split the difference and do 7 Years War? The true WW1.
    The Uniforms were swankier.
    Not bad .
    All in all,the thing I love the most is playing with friends and acting like a real soldiers!
  8. 别杀鸡

    Future DLC'S / update thoughts

    Base is the most important
    Next Napoleonic Wars!:LOL:(y)
  9. 别杀鸡

    Mount&Blade 1.011 Version won't run, HELP!

    I got Windows 10 and I can run 1.011
    Maybe you can use steam to download
    It seems that steam have special M&B
    (I'm not very good at English)QAQ
  10. 别杀鸡

    恭喜 板块升级!

    之前就来访过这个板块 现在真的是让人眼前一亮啊哈哈 (虽然没多少人) 祝喝!!!
  11. 别杀鸡

    新人报到处 顺便卖酱油 (专业水塔)

    大闽国相 said:

    我们可以一起来水 蛤
  12. 别杀鸡

    新人报到处 顺便卖酱油 (专业水塔)

  13. 别杀鸡


    这种问题难倒我了 你妹 坑爹 我靠 艹 我倒 tmd我怎么可能会
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