[M] The Deluge - general discussion

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I heard that there's only a few elements to complete, and now we are just waiting for Daedalus to finish them, and then... ^^ If that's true - awesome.
lVSl_Ariy said:
Hi!I and my friends like this mode , and sometimes we started server, but we have problem with canon . can you sent server configuration for us? or we dont have some file for that?

You need WSE.
lVSl_Ariy said:
Hi!I and my friends like this mode , and sometimes we started server, but we have problem with canon . can you sent server configuration for us? or we dont have some file for that?

Server needs to run on WSE (Warband Script Enchancer), otherwise cannons and bluderbusses won't work.

Next version, "The Deluge", will require WSE also on clients. It will be however integrated with the mod and very easy to launch (desktop shortcut), so no worries. :wink:

ThaneWulfgharn said:
Sorry if this' been asked many times but:
Will the final 1.0 version(or earlier/later versions) get Singe Player too?

If we find more people to help us developing the mod, then maybe there will. Currently only two people work on the mod regulary - b@rtu$ (models, textures and stats for troops and items) and myself (coding and all the rest). Sometimes Oktawian helps us by making some nice maps. That's too few to make a total conversion singleplayer mod.
Our servers are back, but the patch will be probably delayed few more days. Currently we spend most of our strenght and efforts to fight against signing of ACTA by Polish Government. We fight for our freedom in the Internet. Wish us luck! :smile:
Sayd Ûthman said:
I don't know what ACTA is, but i really wish you good luck

It's an every Internet user's nightmare. An end to free speach and user privacy in web hid under "stop internet piracy!" slogans. It's SOPA's much more dangerous sister.


Today and yesterday we had numerous hacker attacks on major government sites, most of those sites were taken down. Now Anonymous ceased fire and wait for the effect of tomorrow's negotiations with polish prime minister.
I wouldn't call it hacker's attack, those were just DDoS'ses. But anyway. If ACTA will get signed, everything we know and love about Internet will be in a great danger. Potentially EVEN release of The Deluge. (You never know that gov will come up with)
So right now it's probably the most important thing for Poles, to fight it. Our gov want to sign the treaty on 26 January.
We really need luck, because our Prime Minister is quite a tough son of a ..... and do not care about people even a little bit.
  We had something quite similar in my country (Hadopi), and ISP showed that they had quite the lobbying power resulting in the "controling what's going in and out" to be dropped by our government.
  We're also threatened of having our connection cut in case you're culprit of piracy, it turned out almost nobody had been "cut" and even the number of fines have been quite low.

  And lastly Anonymous are mostly retards making things worse , but I still support the fight against ACTA.
New patch getting closer! Soon, we will organize a big event for Polish-English speaking players (160-200 players). Maybe for Russian too, provided that the person will, translates orders. Are you interested? More information coming soon.
Oktawian said:
New patch getting closer! Soon, we will organize a big event for Polish-English speaking players (160-200 players). Maybe for Russian too, provided that the person will, translates orders. Are you interested? More information coming soon.
I would be interested in playing for some "mercenary" English speaking regiment. Is it possible?
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