Your favourite historical personality

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Rahn said:

Just 'cause of his mustache.

Of course.

Hitler is my favorite because of mustache too.
Why would you want that mustache? It's the stupidest piece of facial hair you can possibly conjure, and I mean stupider than a John Waters' "mustache", a soul patch with nothing else, AND THIS.


And while we are on the subject of famous dead people, Isaac Asimov is my favorite dead author.
Suleiman the Magnificent.


The giant onion on his head is a plus. I bet that's a great topic of conversation in the harem.
I couldn't possibly decide. One of the following four:
Demetrios Poliorketes and his father, who's name I forgot right now - the one eyed guy who died at Ipsos-, Antiochos III., Henry VIII. and Erwin Rommel
Not every ruler is a general or a conqueror.

There are some who do silly crap like sanitation, irrigation and libraries.
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