Who is you favourite general in the Napoleonic era?

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Vicccard said:
Agovic said:
Paisy S. Kaissarov - Preetiest general and my personal favourite ( well, tbh he and P.I. Bagration<Not Roman, his brother, but Pyotr> ) within the Napoleonic Wars era, and basically the first half of the XIX century era.

Original portrait

Later colored by George Dawe, for the Winter War Palace Military Gallery (1825)

wait, it was first black and white, and later colored? Sounds weird...

First it was by pen, soft paper probably, by some Russian guy whose name started with a D.. He made pen-black'n'white-portraits of all the generals and allies for the Winter War Palace Military Gallery, later in 1825 George Dawe was hired to colorise them :smile:

Source : http://www.museum.ru ( Russian-only )

For Kaissarov : http://www.museum.ru/1812/persons/vgzd/vg_k04.html
My favourite general would have to be Russel Crowe! Who here haven´t heard of the epic tales of him slaying the evil armies of the british in the gladiator arena?

hherlev said:
My favourite general would have to be Russel Crowe! Who here haven´t heard of the epic tales of him slaying the evil armies of the british in the gladiator arena?

what about General Mel Gibson
Guillaume-Marie-Anne Brune - French Marshal of the Empire, staunch Republican (in the classical sense) and a Badass.

Joachim Murat - the way he faced his execution alone was that of a Hero, great Marshal
General NewPatch

So many to choose from, though Ney (incredibly brave and yet he survived it all including holding the rear from Russia only to be murdered by the new regime, though it is rumoured he escaped to USA), Murat (the great cavalry leader, another survivor who died liked a total hero), Poniatowski (superb Polish marshall of France), Lannes (he's Lannes), Wellington (Brilliantly calm and calculating, from obscurity to legend, a fascinating fellow), Moore (One of Britain's best, cut down too early) and Blucher (FORWARDS KINDER!) immediately spring to mind.
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