What was SO bad about Hitler?

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Leprechaun said:
You know, I'm willing to bet that if we'd simply asked if they'd mind setting aside some land for the Jews to live on instead of just taking it, no matter what the intentions were, they'd have been happy to help and we'd live in a safer world :sad:
Erm, we did. First we asked if the Arabs wouldn't mind taking the Jews in and forming a combined state, which led to the Arab revolt of 1936 - 1939. Then we asked if they'd like to form separate Arab and Jewish states, which led to the Jewish revolt of 1946 - 1948.
It's about that point we decided the ****ers could sort it out by themselves.

Archonsod said:
Let's not go into your misuse of apostrophes, Arch, shall we? :razz:
The Fowler's can take their King's English and shove it up the German bastard's Royal arse :razz:
Kobrag said:
So I make occasional errors, doesn't make me as bad as the 15 yr old who seems to be typing with a hammer. :neutral:

hey you can't blame me for making mistakes. i've been drinking a lot of whiskey today and well i'm a bit pissed. also i'm annoyed at my pc. it died on me.
Archonsod said:
Leprechaun said:
You know, I'm willing to bet that if we'd simply asked if they'd mind setting aside some land for the Jews to live on instead of just taking it, no matter what the intentions were, they'd have been happy to help and we'd live in a safer world :sad:
Erm, we did. First we asked if the Arabs wouldn't mind taking the Jews in and forming a combined state, which led to the Arab revolt of 1936 - 1939. Then we asked if they'd like to form separate Arab and Jewish states, which led to the Jewish revolt of 1946 - 1948.
It's about that point we decided the ****ers could sort it out by themselves.

Oh. Have you got any sources that I can read about that? I'm interested in the area :smile:
Oh. Have you got any sources that I can read about that? I'm interested in the area

Wiki - Arab revolt
Zionist view
Another Jewish view
The Italian involvement If you want to pay for it

Wiki - Jewish rebellion
Irgun (English translation from Hebrew)
Britain's small wars - Palestine

The British National Archives Should give you plenty of online material with searching, everything from military reports to foreign office briefings. Or you can look for locally held records etc.
Reading through, at a basic level it seems that the Palestinians were being unhelpful, and the Jews were being 'orrible arrogant little toerags. Yes, it's a lot more complicated than that, but nonetheless.
we've just done this is school mate. when the russians were assaulting berlin hitler and his mistress committed suicide and the generals had their bodies burned so people they were still alive. but thr russians found fragments of bone and teeth and stalin had them identified as hitlers and his mistress. but he never told anyone until he was dying.
Leprechaun said:
Reading through, at a basic level it seems that the Palestinians were being unhelpful, and the Jews were being 'orrible arrogant little toerags. Yes, it's a lot more complicated than that, but nonetheless.

And bugger all has changed since ...
Archonsod said:
Leprechaun said:
You know, I'm willing to bet that if we'd simply asked if they'd mind setting aside some land for the Jews to live on instead of just taking it, no matter what the intentions were, they'd have been happy to help and we'd live in a safer world :sad:
Erm, we did. First we asked if the Arabs wouldn't mind taking the Jews in and forming a combined state, which led to the Arab revolt of 1936 - 1939. Then we asked if they'd like to form separate Arab and Jewish states, which led to the Jewish revolt of 1946 - 1948.
It's about that point we decided the ****ers could sort it out by themselves.

Archonsod said:
Let's not go into your misuse of apostrophes, Arch, shall we? :razz:
The Fowler's can take their King's English and shove it up the German bastard's Royal arse :razz:

The interesting thing is that by sending Jews down back to the "holy lands" after WWII, we also kind of gave the message that they don't belong in Europe.
Jews,besides few exceptions,were hated through whole europe since christianity rose to the power,there were multiple jews genocides in european history,so hitler didn't do anything new...except he did it in a really huge scale...but nazis killed much more poles and russians than jews,slavs were his 'number two' in his extermination list,but who cares nowadays,jews were most damaged nation (wich is b/s)
It's just a matter of propaganda,jews wont let anyone forget 'bout their grievance,so nobody will mention stalin,pol-pot,that serbian guy (karadzic?) :razz: etc etc
Archonsod said:
Leprechaun said:
Reading through, at a basic level it seems that the Palestinians were being unhelpful, and the Jews were being 'orrible arrogant little toerags. Yes, it's a lot more complicated than that, but nonetheless.

And bugger all has changed since ...

Seems so, eh?
Calathar said:
Jews,besides few exceptions,were hated through whole europe since christianity rose to the power,there were multiple jews genocides in european history,so hitler didn't do anything new...except he did it in a really huge scale...but nazis killed much more poles and russians than jews,slavs were his 'number two' in his extermination list,but who cares nowadays,jews were most damaged nation (wich is b/s)
It's just a matter of propaganda,jews wont let anyone forget 'bout their grievance,so nobody will mention stalin,pol-pot,that serbian guy (karadzic?) :razz: etc etc

dude Jews let people forget, if anyone wont let people forget its black people (American citizens bearing ancestral ties with the continent of africa), or indians (or aboriginal native peoples of northern america)... just saying

Quite frankly hitler is made out to be so much more evil than any other simply because everyone knows hitler, yes people have done worse things, but noone knows who any of these people are, everyone knows about hitler because he did his evil deeds less than a century ago, and people like to exxagerate especially in this day and age, hitler was a ****, a racist and a bigot, but no more than a lot of people.

just my 2 incoherent cents.
Nethoras said:
dude Jews let people forget, if anyone wont let people forget its black people (American citizens bearing ancestral ties with the continent of africa), or indians (or aboriginal native peoples of northern america)... just saying
Why the **** should we forget?  Do you want criminals to walk out of jail, then forget their crimes?  No.  The whole point about learning of this discrimination is to ensure that such needless cruelty doesn't come about again.
because remember discrimination makes people racist, if we forgot about it, newborns would never even know that they could treat people different because of their skin colour... then again, eventually if we fully forgot we would most likely revert to racism on a grand scale... meh I just think dwelling on that **** is stupid, and I think whats in the past is in the past, and is to be learned from, but not exploited for pitty or money.
Nethoras said:
because remember discrimination makes people racist, if we forgot about it, newborns would never even know that they could treat people different because of their skin colour... then again, eventually if we fully forgot we would most likely revert to racism on a grand scale... meh I just think dwelling on that **** is stupid, and I think whats in the past is in the past, and is to be learned from, but not exploited for pitty or money.
What the ****?  No.  Education about the mistakes we've made is the best way to avoid such mistakes in the future.  Tell a kid that people were treated badly just because of their skin colour and they'll say that's stupid, they won't say "great, those niggers deserved it, lipping off to their superiors."
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