What if your relatives (or anybody around you) are Nazis?

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Grandmaster Knight
Furious am I! :evil:

My aunt is getting on my nerves: everyday she checks this InterKontakt site and everytime she calls all German men Nazis and swears a lot with lots of emotions and loud. Aaargh! Everytime hearing this bull**** drives me nuts. I wish, I could just kick her out of the room once and for all, but this option is unavailable. So I just always look like this -> :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: . I'm burning from inside with hatred and anger. I can't believe some of our people can be so nationalistic, considering being depicted as hospitable. Although the youth are much more tolerante, so I presume this is dementia to blame.

Have you ever experienced such things?
I've had plenty of people around me that are racist. Maybe not along the same lines of being a "Nazi"... but they do discriminate against non-white people. I just smile whenever I'm near them and think how ignorant they are. Sure I have my own feelings about this or that... but I wont put down an entire race of people because of the color of their skin (or the God they believe in). That's pretty sad and pathetic.

No offense but your grandmother is just ignorant. To label all Germans Nazi's is pretty stupid. Now... I will say (in no defense of her) that she is probably old enough to have been around during World War II. It's quite possible that she was effected in some way and that's how she got her strong anti-German feelings.

My grandparents weren't too fond of the Nazi's or Japanese. It's just the time period. Come another 30 years... it might be the same way for those that fought in Iraq. It's just how things happen. Does it make it right though? No.
Being closer than any other person on this forum to what would be called a "Nazi", I can safely say the following things:

1.  It would be pretty funny for a family member of mine to randomly say "I'm a Nazi" and mean it.
2.  It wouldn't affect the way I see them at all.
3.  It wouldn't shock me in the slightest, knowing some of my cousins...
M@ster-$ said:
Have you ever experienced such things?

Some of my family members express negative opinions about foreign people coming into our country and stealing all our jobs and getting free benefits for doing nothing (how they manage to steal our jobs and get benefits for doing nothing, both at the same time, confounds me).

But it's not like the entire native population eats carbon and craps diamonds, and white/British folk are just as capable of being abusive and lazy.
Anyone who is naive enough to be a nationalist at this time and age,deserves what he gets.I would not hate him(he propably has some reasons for what he believes),but I certainly would not  protect him from being used.A Nationalist is,most of the times,the easiest person to manipulate.You just tell him his country needs him.

Its people like them that keep politics from being rendered useless...in fact,I should thank them.
I had a relative who passed away many years ago. He was an Australian and a POW in a German base.
When he returned to South Africa after WWII ended, he had nothing but praise for the soldiers who oversaw the camp.
They ate just as much as the prisoners, but still had to perform their duties. He said that in his war against depression, his guards were his allies over grief and despair - despite the fact that it was clear Germany was loosing the war.

World War II is not at all what it seems to be, especially the causes of it.
You have find for yourself a reason why the world is as it is. Angry wits are confused wits, so take pity on your aunt and take care that you do not become her in another matter or form.

My advice to you is this; don't take ownership of crap that doesn't belong to you.
If she wants to be bitter the rest of her life then that is her choice. I doubt you'll be able to change her mind though, it sounds like she is using this agenda in order to ignore her own problems. Something like that can become heavily addictive.
You cannot hear the whisper of the wind if you scream at the skies. She incapacitates her ability to be introspective because of her anger. She most likely knows this, and more unfortunately, probably likes it.

Don't waste your time being angry. There are far better things to do with it.
Like playing Mount&Blade for instance. :wink:

Pharaoh Llandy said:
Some of my family members express negative opinions about foreign people coming into our country and stealing all our jobs and getting free benefits for doing nothing (how they manage to steal our jobs and get benefits for doing nothing, both at the same time, confounds me).

But it's not like the entire native population eats carbon and craps diamonds, and white/British folk are just as capable of being abusive and lazy.
Problem being I'm Jewish and I have to deal with other Jews who now think they have a cause to hate all Germans for the next 200 years.
And me being half german doesn't help...does that mean I am half a Nazi?


I hate Nationalism. And Hitler was Austrian not German, he just used them like back-alley whores...

If you are so proud of the clds of earth under your feet to kill someone...Kill yourself and be buried in it!
Nazism and racism are two different things  :wink:

Nazism (or rather national socialism) is an ideology of a strong state, led by a benevolent dictator. Planned economy, police state, you name it. It doesn't HAVE to be racistic though the only State in history which professed it was undeniably a hugely racistic state. But there is a certain lure inherent in national socialism which tempts many people - the same way that neoconservatism tempts many people.

Racism on the other hand is 'just' bigotry and is wholly silly though often with tragic consequences.

The reason that the local barely literate, unschooled neo-nazi-punk is ignorant of facts and confuses the two doesn't make them the same. Though not that many people can explain the differences between fascism, nazism and communism anyway, so I guess it's a moot point.

Anyway, it happens, keep an open mind, try to engage them in a conversation every now and then and don't get angry with them - that'll just make them defensive. With a lot of work and time, they might change their views.
Recently found someone in our year is a member of the young BNP. She's "not a racist, but"...

Trooper5445 said:
Problem being I'm Jewish and I have to deal with other Jews who now think they have a cause to hate all Germans for the next 200 years.

Yep, same here. People are idiots.
Kobrag said:
I hate Nationalism. And Hitler was Austrian not German, he just used them like back-alley whores...

Good point! A nasty little immigrant causing all those problems. If only we could learn the lessons of the past... (joking by the way).
Well, i live in Indonesia... My great grandmother hate Japanesse very  very much.. Japanesse kill, rape, and steal.. She had a very very hard life.. When the japanesse soldier came to her city, they began took all food they can get and rode away using her town people bicycle... Food are scarce so they were force to stole food from japan military camp and even dug up some jungle potato.. They wear nothing but rag and some lucky enough to have cloth.. i think she have a good point to hate the japanesse... We, the youth, didnt experience it... I believe if all of us here experience like our grand parents did, we will be very much like them... Being racist... But well, we have to learn to forgive.. Well, Japan or German are no more like they was in the world war 2 right..

Oh yeah, my family are Chinese imigrant.. and the Japannese hate chinese so much and even call us sub-human... not even human... animal..

I hope human can learn from history and avoid make the same mistake... War only make our life more difficult... And i believe world war 3 will be the war that end humanity..
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