[Werewolf: Archives] Werewolf - Twilight Zone (DOOMSNIGHT)

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You two work together, and agree with eachother, as far as I understand. I don't know if that makes you evil or anything, I'm just in doubt about a lot. You've been agreeing with him since before I did, so I dunno...
Max is looking more and more guilty in my eyes, but let's not forget about trooper. Also, looks to me like Voden is acting like he wants us to kill him to make him look innocent.
So what were locke's exact suspicions again?

Max is looking bad to me, too. Crap, this will be hard to figure out with no seer types and not even knowing how many ****ing villains we have.
Locke was concentrated on Nari for way too long.

Keep in mind the Oracle sends people dreams, he doesn't discover the roles himself, so Locke's suspicions won't really help us all that much.
If he recieved a dream, there is no reason why he wouldn't have revealed it.

At least I would hope.
Im thinking that the oracle could send dreams to two people.  Otherwise how did Locke think he could "prove" himself to two different people during the night. If the oracle had that power, it seems to me more people should know what has been going on during the game.
I was told he was an Exorcist - but I didn't know what that role entailed.
Until he admitted purifying Oub, of course. But I expected Oub to be innocent before that, since a innocent gains little from backing anyone he doesn't know to be clear.
Not to start another argument, but you were sent info on his class, not his role. Anyways a dream from a few nights ago is almost useless because of the fact that people possibly could have their alignment changed. We have villains out there that havent killed, they must have done something.
can give you this information about the few villains still extant.
As well as the Reaper, we have:

Curses a target soul nightly to null bless for 24 hours or null target artifact for 24 hours.
Cursed souls have a -50% modifier for ability/power resistance effects.

The Reaper Himself:

Has either a 100% chance (minus modifiers) to kill one player of any alignment,
OR 50% chance of killing two players.
Ability is targeted at night, then activated at the Reaper's discretion during the day.

I know the players, but they wear masks that hide faces from my sight.
-Desperate attempt to reveal info given without revealing role beyond insta-ban-

Technically, I'm a neutral, because of the way I target (or not) my role.
However, combined with the Priesthood, I am acting in the Good warriors favour.
1 ) All abilities are activated by PMing narrator, then narrator responds if youre even successful and the effects of what happens.
2 ) All items are held for 24 hours then select target to hold it next during nighttime. Transactions occur at beginning of daytime (dawn).
3 ) You must be silent if you are destroyed or banished  immediately after the narration or final majority vote. Failure to comply results in a twisted and evil soul fatality and additional consequences.
4 ) You cannot reveal the exact function(s) of your class otherwise insta-banish (can state information of what you know of other players).
5 ) All other information (including alignment) can be revealed at any time, although the more you know the more the villains know.
6 ) PMing. People labeled as packmates are allowed to PM each other at nighttime, not in daytime. PMs information is unrestricted, can discuss classes (only thing restricted).
7 ) Other players are not allowed to PM each other about the game at all, nor discuss it in other threads.
8 ) Turn on your online status to encourage posting and as evidence for lurkage.
9 ) Attempt identify and banish (lynch) a villain from purgatory to hell once every day after a majority vote or success with banish or destroy powers. Once all the villains have been eliminated the remaining souls are granted life.
10 ) Villains attack every night and succeed when their numbers are greater than heroes and everyone goes to hell.
11 ) There are two votes a day one for who to banish and who is your lurker nomination.
12 ) There will be a complete log of everything to display exactly what happend after the event is over.
13 ) No editing, no posting PMs verbatim (copy/paste), though are may discuss them and dreams freely.
14 ) If you have ANY questions PM narrator for answer - dont make a mistake or youll have pay for it.  :twisted:

Mrs. Whoopin: "There are rules we all must follow for a reason, I just cant comprehend why others have trouble with simple instructions."
Mrs. Whoopin: "DO NOT COPY/PASTE PMs verbatim - USE YOUR OWN ****ING WORDS - its not hard."
Mrs. Whoopin: "The rules are clear for a reason."
Mrs. Whoopin: "Next person to even come close to breaching a rule gets insta-banished and Ill forum grief them for years for ruining hard work thats for others to enjoy."

Mrs. Whoopin: "Assistant, please take care of Mr. Cydonia - before he hurts himself."

KoC is YOINKED down feet first... by something underneath the table.

KoC has been taken hostage by the Lurker
Knight of Cydonia said:
I was told he was an Exorcist - but I didn't know what that role entailed.
Until he admitted purifying Oub, of course. But I expected Oub to be innocent before that, since a innocent gains little from backing anyone he doesn't know to be clear.

Wait, when did TSN purify Oubliette?
Well, I figure if KoC is willing to break the rules to help that he must be on our side.

So we have a poltergeist, reaper, and nightmare for sure. Maybe some other weird ****. Now the question is, do they know who their fellow villains are? If not it makes it pretty hard to track them down.

vote:max because I don't remember if I did before or not. I guess maybe nari is guilty as well.
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