[WB] Warband Script Enhancer v3.2.0 (21/07/2013)

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Patta said:
I have something that would be simple I think. Is it possible to force players to activate Particle Systems or activate it with an operation?
Specialist said:
Isn't that as easy as using Native operations?
If a player has particle systems turned off in options, then the effects of any native particle systems code doesn't get displayed. Patta's asking for a way to force the particle system option on.
As I looked through this thread, I found out that you added "the possibility to override individual item animations" in WSE v1200, but then it got removed because of being bugged. Unfortunately, I don't have this old WSE version, so I couldn't get more information about this feature. Is it the one shown in your WSE video #2? That's quite awesome!

Anyways, my question is whether it is possible to code the ability to assign custom-made animations to a particular item (more particularly, a melee weapon) or two without changing original Warband weapon animations. So, for example, one could add his/her animations instead of unused human animations to module_animations file, and then assign them to a particular weapon(s) in header_items and module_items without affecting Native animations and flags.
Swyter said:
You should do a sort of compendium of interesting undisclosed info like that. Seriously, I'm not joking.
The wiki is a neat place for that.
agreed, but, what about the skills?
maybe 20 are not enought for the project I'm working on...
Is it possible to add an operation that tells if a mission is running?

And, cmpxchg8b, I've a question which hardly can be answered by someone else. In MS reset_item_probabilities is called with arg, but in headers it is defined without any. How does it actually work?
i cant open WSE loader..it said that it only supports 1.143 version but my M&B is already 1.143.,does anyone have any idea about how to fix this problem..??
Would something along the lines of (agent_force_dismount, ":agent_id"), be possible? And working for players, too?

LordNorth said:
Srry, I'm very new. Warband Installation folder?
Likely either C:\Program Files (x86)\Mount&Blade Warband\
or with Steam C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\mount&blade warband\

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