Was the ability to recruit lords at 17+ relations removed?

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Knight at Arms
I played this mod some time ago, and if you reached about 17 or more relation with an enemy lord, you were able to capture them and have a conversation to turn them to your faction. Has this been taken out?

Edit: I'm sorry, I checked the changelog after posting this.  I should have checked before.

- Relationship needed for lords to join is now:
Relationship needed for lord to want to join = 15 + campaign difficulty modifier (5 for medium and 10 for hard) - player persuasion skill + lord type (10 if duke and 0 otherwise) + number of castles for the lord's faction + (2 * number of towns for the lord's faction) - min(number of Pendor castles,5)  - min(number of Pendor Towns,3)  (Aug 14). This makes it easier to recruit captured prisoners if the player has a strong kingdom.
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