Using two missile weapons at once(different hands)

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hey guys you know the cartridge pistol
i want to be able to code a duplicate with a different name

i know when you pick up two of the same it will auto wield it but ive put it to not unwield it..
but you only see him holding one guy at once

sorry i must have mis explained myself
i basically mean to hold to guns at once
not in same hands
speratly like a cowboy

["rebel_officer_pistol", "Pistol", [("rebel_officer_pistol",0)], itp_type_pistol|itp_merchandise|itp_primary|itp_next_item_as_melee|itp_cant_reload_while_moving_mounted, itcf_shoot_pistol|itcf_carry_pistol_front_left|itcf_reload_pistol, 230, weight(1.5)|difficulty(0)|spd_rtng(32)|shoot_speed(220)|thrust_damage(70,pierce)|max_ammo(10)|accuracy(92), imodbits_none ],

["police_officer_pistol", "Pistol", [("police_officer_pistol",0)], itp_type_pistol|itp_merchandise|itp_primary|itp_next_item_as_melee|itp_cant_reload_while_moving_mounted, itcf_shoot_pistol|itcf_carry_pistol_front_left|itcf_reload_pistol, 230, weight(1.5)|difficulty(0)|spd_rtng(32)|shoot_speed(220)|thrust_damage(70,pierce)|max_ammo(10)|accuracy(92), imodbits_none ],

Why not? Normal guns can only be used with two hands, but you can modify a one-hander the same way the shield in the code is modified:
Implementation is yet to be done for the AI logic wielding both a melee and the off-hand pistol, but the framework does exist - you could ostensibly have a fire lance or another off-hand projectile item trigger using the same script.
The second pistol is coded as a shield item so both players and the AI can use it. You could ostensibly have another trigger check when a pistol is picked up to have it turn into a shield item, but I feel it is unnecessary as the AI won't be able to do so and players probably know what they're doing.
so simply

["rebel_officer_pistol", "Pistol", [("rebel_officer_pistol",0)], itp_type_shieldl|itp_merchandise|itp_primary|itp_next_item_as_melee|itp_cant_reload_while_moving_mounted, itcf_shoot_pistol|itcf_carry_pistol_front_left|itcf_reload_pistol, 230, weight(1.5)|difficulty(0)|spd_rtng(32)|shoot_speed(220)|thrust_damage(70,pierce)|max_ammo(10)|accuracy(92), imodbits_none ],

You will need to reposition the mesh, since the pistol mesh was created to fit as a weapon, not as a shield. They use a different angle, so you can just rotate the pistol to correct form.
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