Using content from WFAS for Warband is NOW allowed ?

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Punkbuster 2.0
Hello community.

In the Module Development forum's in the thread of Yifeng_konjac, I read, that it is ...and always was allowed to use content from WFAS if you use it for a non-commercial mod.

This guy also asked an developer of WFAS.
Yifeng_konjac said:

my name is Alexander Souslov, I'm a producer of Snowbird Game Studios, the developer of WFAS. As far as you distribute you mod for free, you have no problem using our content. So please do not be confused with these comments at the forum - definitely you can use models from Warband or WFAS or any other game.

By the way, we now lucking for a chance to release our next game - Caribbean! - in China. May you please tell us, is there any market in China for box version for PC-games? Or a piracy is an absolute power?


So it seems, that it is really allowed to use stuff from it.
I also used some weapons from WFAS in my mod a half year ago, but I removed them because many guys in this forum said that this is not allowed.  :neutral:

What do you think?
theoretically you are not allowed to use content from other games to use as mods in other games so people would play the mod instead of buying the game.

However since they are not remaking with fire and sword I think they are allowed.
you need to get permission personally from them though i guess, like how he did.
Better ask Snowbird for official permission, or, even better, ask them to post an official announcement on the WFaS board.
You can't completely trust random guys quoting other unknown guys.

Also, this is wrong:
Yifeng_konjac said:
my name is Alexander Souslov, I'm a producer of Snowbird Game Studios, the developer of WFAS. As far as you distribute you mod for free, you have no problem using our content. So please do not be confused with these comments at the forum - definitely you can use models from Warband or WFAS or any other game.
He can't give you permission to use models from Warband or "any other game", they are not his to give.
Yifeng_konjac said:
my name is Alexander Souslov, I'm a producer of Snowbird Game Studios, the developer of WFAS. As far as you distribute you mod for free, you have no problem using our content. So please do not be confused with these comments at the forum - definitely you can use models from Warband or WFAS or any other game.
As usual it seems that Russians (and Ukranians) have no idea how copyright law works...
Even if you don't profit from it, using someones game materials could still mean you are breaching copyright law in your country (and almost all parts of the world).
Always ask permission directly from the developers if you are allowed to use the content.
What he claims that you can just use whatever from any game is complete nonsense.

Do know that games published by paradox (all M&B titles) fall under the paradox copyright and the use of it's content request should be redirected to Paradox.
Read the EULA here:

Though in some cases developers have a contract with paradox implying that the content created by the developers remains in their possession and can be re-sold and given away at their own will. I know we have such a contract, though I have no idea how Taleworlds and Snowbird have their contract set up.

Yifeng_konjac said:

my name is Alexander Souslov, I'm a producer of Snowbird Game Studios, the developer of WFAS. As far as you distribute you mod for free, you have no problem using our content. So please do not be confused with these comments at the forum - definitely you can use models from Warband or WFAS or any other game.

By the way, we now lucking for a chance to release our next game - Caribbean! - in China. May you please tell us, is there any market in China for box version for PC-games? Or a piracy is an absolute power?

sounds like a load of bull**** imo  :lol:
WFAS has some fantastic structures like St Basil's Cathedral and the various churches and mosques. Some mods should use them and not be re-inventing the wheel. Gameplay is the first goal of a mod, and WFAS provides some excellent visuals for several possible mods.

Is there a section for Caribbean on the board?

It is the latest M&B game after all.
romandude said:
Yifeng_konjac said:

my name is Alexander Souslov, I'm a producer of Snowbird Game Studios, the developer of WFAS. As far as you distribute you mod for free, you have no problem using our content. So please do not be confused with these comments at the forum - definitely you can use models from Warband or WFAS or any other game.

By the way, we now lucking for a chance to release our next game - Caribbean! - in China. May you please tell us, is there any market in China for box version for PC-games? Or a piracy is an absolute power?

sounds like a load of bull**** imo  :lol:

Sounds like someone typed that message instead of being the actual reply.
Well that Yifeng uh guy is not Alexander if he was he should be an adminstrater on this forums and there is already a Guy that claims to be Alexander on these forums and he has External Developer status just like Vince
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