Ukraine Today

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Invictus said:
Well, I don't know the exact numbers but this 50k is not hard to believe.
14 battalions is an official number though and they are planning to increase it beyond 20.
So it's at least 10-14k regular troops. And keeping 3 times as many in mobilizable reserve seems reasonable to me.
4 of these 14 battalions are taking part in military operations while the rest are being formed and trained by rotated veterans.
With the constant flow of volunteers they have I wont be surprised if they soon reach 100k or even more.
I suppose an organization like theirs could have such a total of manpower. Only having a fraction of your men on the frontline makes sense by comparison.

They do not however make up a very large proportion of frontline units at the moment. Four battalions is like a two or three thousand men, though I suppose the definition of battalion has been a little muddled by these regiment strength units using it to sound less like a government force.
In which universe 14 battalions contain 50k soldiers?
Not to mention that only 3 RS battalions have ever taken part in actual combat.
Some other field commanders share this sentiment, btw. But I in fact do not believe there is that much discrepancy between them and official leadership.
A few hours ago Poroshenko made a very important comment on the recent ceasefire deal. It pretty much boiled down to "Either this time our opponents follow the terms of the ceasefire to the letter or I announce martial law."
If you've been following this conflict closely you can kinda guess what's coming.
A battalion is a group of companies. So generally anywhere from 300-800 guys.
But in this case I'm not sure that people are using the word correctly. Every named unit is called a battalion in Ukraine for some reason. For example you never hear much of companies or regiments.

I guess not so proffesional people think "battalion" sounds more badass than company or regiment.
mcwiggum said:
How many men does a battallion have anyway?

In Ukrainian military it can be something from 300 during peace time up to 1500 when deployed on battlefield.
For example at peace time mech infantry battalion consists of 5 companies of various functional purpose.
Of which there are 3 infantry companies, 1 tank company and 1 artillery battery. That is around 500 soldiers, 50 officers, 10 tanks and 40 APCs.
Each infantry company has 100 men split into 3 platoons 3 squads each.
During mobilization and deployment the number of men in squad, squads in platoon and platoons in company may increase up to 200 men per company.

As for volunteer battalions it's a bit different as they have less equipment and specializations. But in general the number is still somewhere around 500 people.
Also the structure of PS battalions is very volatile. Every few weeks there are rearrangements such as new battalion is organized or some company is separated to serve as a basis for new battalion.
It is stated that only 1/4 of recruited volunteers remain and serve as regular troops there. So it can be assumed that the other 3/4 stay home as reserves.
Comrade Temuzu said:

Ukrainian troops looting a house and beating its residents.

Can someone(who speaks Ukrainian) give us some context as to the conversation or what exactly is going on here? Ta.
They believe the house is a DNR/LNR fighters base and came to arrest them. Several soldiers are searching the house for weapons (unsuccessfully it seems), the others are interrogating the house's owner. He passionately denies all allegations in perfect Ukrainian.
Looks like a generic police raid to me.
They're searching his house for signs of separatist connection.

Accusations of being collaborating with separatists.
They're asking about stuff in his garden.
Two metallic sheds/containers in his garden with spare parts for vehicles.

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What Weaver said.
In regards to the Right Sector having 14 batallions, yes, but only three of those actually serve on the battlefield, (5th, 7th and I believe 14th), the rest are 'regional reserve' - Units who mostly just train. Regional 'batallions' don't have more then a hundred soldiers each, judging from photographs. They do stuff like this.


And even the serving batallions don't number more then a few hundred men each.
According to OSCE ceasefire is "generally observed" in the first 12 hours with few exceptions.
DNR "Ministry of Defense" official Eduard Basurin announced during a press-conference earlier today that Debaltsevo is DNR's territory so they are basically not bound by ceasefire if they decide to for example shell it again.
I say it's happening tonight.
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