Troop experience - upgrade

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Corinthian Hoplite

Sergeant Knight at Arms
As it is now, it seems the experience required to upgrade a soldier is determined by his level, instead of the difference between his and the next tier level (which is by far more logical).

Is there any way to change this?
I'm not clear on this. Everyone in the game levels up after reaching a specific troop level. The player and Heroes level up every level. The troops level up when they have enough XP to meet the upgrade requirement, which is also a level.

Example: A Nord Recruit starts at Level 6. When he gets enough experience points to reach Level 10, the upgrade option is available. This is because a Nord Footman is Level 10.

Is there another way you want them to upgrade?
Cumandante said:
As it is now, it seems the experience required to upgrade a soldier is determined by his level, instead of the difference between his and the next tier level (which is by far more logical).

Wow I didn't know that! So if I have:

upgrade(trp_farmer, trp_swadian_knight)

...this will make the level 1 farmer become a level 23 swadian knight after one battle with river pirates? Did you test this?
HardCode said:
I'm not clear on this. Everyone in the game levels up after reaching a specific troop level. The player and Heroes level up every level. The troops level up when they have enough XP to meet the upgrade requirement, which is also a level.

Example: A Nord Recruit starts at Level 6. When he gets enough experience points to reach Level 10, the upgrade option is available. This is because a Nord Footman is Level 10.

Is there another way you want them to upgrade?

I think his point is that if the recruit was level 7 it would take longer to upgrade to level 10 than if he was level 6, even though the difference between 7 and 10 is smaller than 6 and 10
fisheye said:
Cumandante said:
As it is now, it seems the experience required to upgrade a soldier is determined by his level, instead of the difference between his and the next tier level (which is by far more logical).

Wow I didn't know that! So if I have:

upgrade(trp_farmer, trp_swadian_knight)

...this will make the level 1 farmer become a level 23 swadian knight after one battle with river pirates? Did you test this?

I tested this in the older versions(yes that happens) while editing the troops but i'm not sure if it changed in the newer versions
Don't doublepost.
fisheye said:
Cumandante said:
As it is now, it seems the experience required to upgrade a soldier is determined by his level, instead of the difference between his and the next tier level (which is by far more logical).

Wow I didn't know that! So if I have:

upgrade(trp_farmer, trp_swadian_knight)

...this will make the level 1 farmer become a level 23 swadian knight after one battle with river pirates? Did you test this?
fisheye said:
Wow I didn't know that! So if I have:

upgrade(trp_farmer, trp_swadian_knight)

...this will make the level 1 farmer become a level 23 swadian knight after one battle with river pirates? Did you test this?
Yes, I turned a lvl 4 Farmer to a lvl 36 Chivalric Knight after 2 battles with river pirates (he didn't kill any).

Also, when a unit has 2 upgrade paths, the game should make a difference between availability to each of them (in case of different levels). However, this could only be achieved by changing the system to actually recognize the target level.
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