(TK) Hegemony: Timeless Kingdoms weapons requests

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E, I think it's also important to note that the rival kingdoms in China did use War Chariots just like in Egypt in significant quantities. I don't know if it can be done, but I figured I'd just say it anyway.
I would like to see Achilles' weapons and armor from Troy. That would be EPIC. Since this is timeless kingdoms... put them in a chest in a city or something. The helmet, chest armor, greaves, a newly textured aspis, a niftly sword and really fast spear, and a couple of javelins.

I know I'm a lout for requesting things of other people like that, but that stuff is pretty cool... and this isn't a historically 100% accurate mod.

Xenophon said:
I would like to see Achilles' weapons and armor from Troy. That would be EPIC. Since this is timeless kingdoms... put them in a chest in a city or something. The helmet, chest armor, greaves, a newly textured aspis, a niftly sword and really fast spear, and a couple of javelins.

I know I'm a lout for requesting things of other people like that, but that stuff is pretty cool... and this isn't a historically 100% accurate mod.

I decided to start looking for some Japanese armour and weapons pics, I thought I'd put these up here as an IDEA!!!! because I know the asian faction in Timeless kingdoms is Chinese. But yeh I put these up here anyway.

Samurai Footman Helmet:

Samurai Warrior in full armour:

Samurai armour from the movie ''The Last Samurai''

Chinese Dynasty rebels from the movie ''Curse of the Golden Flower:

This armour also looks good in Black :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Chinese Royal Guard Sword:

Hope these help Ealabor

If the Whitestone Clans are meant to be mongol-ish, then this site is pretty useful for info on recurve bows and the horses they used.

Vimes said:
If the Whitestone Clans are meant to be mongol-ish, then this site is pretty useful for info on recurve bows and the horses they used.


No they arent mongolish, the southern dynasty would have the mongol-type horsemen

Nice music on the site though, i'd like to have something like that included in the mod
After seeing the pictures of those delicious Halvarian knights I thought maybe they could have semi-armoured coursers? With some chain at the front of the horse or something, or maybe just some cloth. Else I think they might just be rather easy to defeat.

Or maybe even something like this: http://www.livinginumbria.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/armoured-horse.jpg
But smaller, and/or only at the front.
FrisianDude said:
After seeing the pictures of those delicious Halvarian knights I thought maybe they could have semi-armoured coursers? With some chain at the front of the horse or something, or maybe just some cloth. Else I think they might just be rather easy to defeat.

Or maybe even something like this: http://www.livinginumbria.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/armoured-horse.jpg
But smaller, and/or only at the front.

With Halvare, I wanted more of a representation of more feudal times, rather than chivalric times, where horse armour and decour isnt a standard, and the knights themselves featuring mail and Norman type themes.

I had thought about some horse decour, but to me the theme gap would probably then be too wide between Halvare units, and the rest of the Whitestone, seeing as how Halvare is decended from them.
But if the horse's armour is like a continuation of the riders armour then it wouldn't really be far off of the Whitestone, right? Both use mail, it seems only logical to hang some of it in front of vulnerable mounts.
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