The Halt Bandits *Recruiting*

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Hello folks, my ingame name is Thomas_Halt and I've just gotten done leading a posse around robbing, looting, hijacking, and murdering all sorts of people.  I'm starting a group for highwaymen that like to rp, and like to work together to make money and to be total bastards.  Some of our posse's exploits in the last game included extorting passerbys, stopping and looting carts, ambushing colonial millitias, raiding an Indian camp, and beating an old man half to death and then shooting him.

Looking for bandits that like to RP and work as a team,

EDIT: We are an NA group
I think I met you the other day, me and two others had an extended shoot out with you after some random we found ran across a ferry over to you. We were a trio in a ts with some random shooting at bandits in Prussian uniform, I only realized what happened after I died trying to sneak over and flank you.
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