The GCG official Persistent World Event! will be Running on 4.3 as of tonight!

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Calling to Arms all Clans and Regiments Interested in attending a Persistent World!


On , Wednesday September 4th  from 5:00 pm EST to 12:00am EST, Regiments and Clans of the Mount and Blade community will be invited to join the GCG for an exclusive event on either Persistent World This will be a competitive event, giving Clans and Regiments a chance to fight each other for superiority. The goal is to rule the land but a winning faction will be decided by the castles they hold.  The server for the event will be hosted on GCG Gaming Server and the server will start up at or around 3:30 pm est for people to get in and start building and gathering money.

This will be a TROLL FREE event.

Basic Rules for the Event:

1. Commoners, Outlaws, Faction members are all to follow the basic pw rules.  This is an RP event though it is a light RP event.  You may stop people by saying halt or some variation if they refuse u may warn them to stop again.  Remember that some may be stronger than others so choose who you rob wisely.

2. Random killing and Random death causing known as RDM is not allowed you must RP everything! Regarding attacking.  Factions at war may kill anyone in their faction land but must either post a poster in main chat alerting commoners and other factions there land is at war.  Or they must alert people to leave before attacking by bow or melee.

3. War rules!  Factions when declaring war must say war on (faction name)  3 times in open chat with their armies in their own lands before attacking.  Remember this is an RP event so please have a good reason, Land, Revenge, Honor are acceptable reason.  For example:  (faction A) accidentally or purposefully robs a serf or armed man of (faction B). Faction B has the right to attack Faction A if they want.

4. As there will be Regiments/Clans in this event be mindful of commoners and regular players non clan based who come in may want to join factions.  Its up to faction leaders to lead these people and provide either teamspeak if they want or to communicate with those people! If aggressive action is taken without a declaration of war, even by just 1 member of a faction to another, the faction attacked is entitled to a single surprise counter attack without a declaration of war.

5.  Trolls and RDM's will be dealt with by perm bans or warnings depending on the situation everyone will be given 1- 2 chances depending on actions.  If you need an admin in the event use the backspace key and list issue along with name of the person

6. Any questions about rules please come to teamspeak to ask an admin marked by a AOL running man symbol your question or plead your case if your about to be banned.

So... You play at your event for no reward? How is this a event compared to a new server. It appears as if your event is just natural pw gameplay.
The event is a 1 reprieve from the servers on currently its a 6 hour chance to build fast hit hard and rp large. its about team work not personal glory.  rewards are in what you do not in what you receive youngling.  Often the best reward is that which comes with a good days work and a job well done.
wombat if your regiment is wondering about coming next week. let me know just add sasfury695 on steam and we can get you set next week were probly gonna use great divide or another new map we found!
Womble sorry mate its early.  and i have yet to have my coffee mate i apologize you have my humble apology. womble if your interested let me know
i have a firm list of known trolls if regiment commanders know some let me know and we will nail the dirt bags.  this is an event for good people not cowards! reg leaders contact me via steam for event registration!  sasfury695
Is there any chance it could be an hour or two earlier?

We would love to attend again but with it being so late for the UK it won't be much of an appearance.
Does that mean im not allowed to attend scipio? :3

This looks good, now if only i could find that thing.. What was it again? Oh yes the time to do such a thing :grin:

- Kloney
considering the event has a 1 - 2 hour forced peace time for gathering resources and forging alliances theres no zerg rush.
Gathering ressources and engeneering within a limited time does not make RP more appealing either, really.

More like... the opposite, because you have to use what little time you have for getting the economy going.
Serann said:
Gathering ressources and engeneering within a limited time does not make RP more appealing either, really.

More like... the opposite, because you have to use what little time you have for getting the economy going.

Actually  , when we done the first one we all worked together and assigned jobs and the time flew by , people were actually enjoying the teamwork side of it.
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