The Anime/Manga Thread

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A thread to discuss your favourite anime or manga.

Got a favourite anime or manga? Looking for recommendations? Willing to suggest series to others? Stop by and leave a post!

I used to watch anime when I was a youngling. Dragonball/Z was my favourite, I'd say.

Recently I have read the Vinland Saga manga and enjoyed it quite a bit, otherwise I don't care much for manga or anime.
BadabombadaBang said:
Nor' do I, but "DeathNote" caught my attention and I watched it for awhile when I had time.

I've read the first two parts of it.. a mate of mine had them. (And almost the whole series of Dragonball books.)
i got into mangas when i was pretty young, my brother used to watch them, some of the best i've seen are the judge, which i can not find for sale anywhere, doomed megalopolis, wicked city, street fighter, devil man, amon, highlander, ninja scroll, there's loads more but i can't remember what half of them are called, it's been a while, i found a good site which you can watch alot of manga on, i recommend you watch wicked city and doomed megalopolis if you haven't seen them already, you can watch most of these on this site, only a few haven't worked that i tried
the new afro samurai is better than the others, think it's called resurrection, looks amazing in HD, i've only seen a few episodes of hellsing, didn't get into it, also tokko is very good, darker than black is very good too, i think there on that site aswell
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