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nilloc93 said:
i thought Templars wore white coats with red crosses?
Afaik, and if you can toss in a truly reliable source on the subject I would welcome it (good luck finding one  :mrgreen:), sergeants wore the black/red combo, while the knights wore white/red. Many different accounts and sources as to what's right.
Did sergeants usually have horse barding tho? I always thought that was more a knight thing.
It's a sarjeant (that's the spelling apparently), not a knight, and sarjeants wore black with a red cross front and back and that's what he's wearing.
The seregants were never equipped as heavy cavalry, but apparently they were occasionally used as light cavalry. 
Quote from Wikipedia
the specific code of behavior for the Templar Order, known to modern historians as the Latin Rule. Its 72 clauses defined the ideal behavior for the Knights, such as the types of garments they were to wear and how many horses they could have. Knights were to take their meals in silence, eat meat no more than three times per week, and not have physical contact of any kind with women, even members of their own family. A Master of the Order was assigned 4 horses, and one chaplain-brother and one clerk with three horses, and one sergeant brother with two horses, and one gentleman valet to carry his shield and lance, with one horse.  As the Order grew, more guidelines were added, and the original list of 72 clauses was expanded to several hundred in its final form.

There was a threefold division of the ranks of the Templars: the aristocratic knights, the lower-born sergeants, and the clergy. Knights were required to be of knightly descent and to wear white mantles. They were equipped as heavy cavalry, with three or four horses and one or two squires. Squires were generally not members of the Order but were instead outsiders who were hired for a set period of time. Beneath the knights in the Order and drawn from lower social strata were the sergeants. They were either equipped as light cavalry with a single horse
Don't mind the horse, the horse is not for the sargeant, I still wanted to show it.  And horses will be in white and black, I wish the barded horse texture was a little better but that's what's there for now.
Yay!  Now I just have to find a missing (try_end) statement in 70,000 lines of code and I can release it :smile:
This mod really needed one of your skill and ability, kuaik, here is appreciation that you help it become even more accomplished.
Could you perhaps make some more bulky-looking mail with surcoats ( this is actually the correct item id if I remember correctly, if you just want to reskin them ) as the ones used in M&B ?
These were always better than the skinny-looking ones in WB, in my opinion, and actually looks as if the wielders are wearing stuff beneath them. I also think othr only removed them from the WB version of this mod after some time because they lacked the detail of many of the new ones.

Edit: Perhaps also recolor some coat of plates, both for variation between the very few we have currently, but also, for example, to make a white one for the Teutonic Knights, as these were bound to have used such ( being mainly a German and Scandinavian piece of armor ). The current black ones should also be quite rare, as black color was hard and expensive to make in the Middle-Ages.

Oh, and sorry if I sound demanding in any way, these are just suggestions, and you seem to be on a creative raptus, so we better make good use of it while the momentum lasts :smile:
I might suggest you get rid of the mail skirt and just have legs, because when someone with such a surcoat rides a horse ingame, it looks absolutely terrible; additionally, in the various animations, the skirt is stretched so that the rings contort in size.
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