Teamkiller called FrisianDude

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There was/is a teamkiller on the siege-server "EU_3" (at around 23:30 UTC) called FrisianDude. He kills team-members, even though he was asked multiple times to stop and - in my opinion - shows disregard for other players and beta-testing Warband in general. Furthermore I seriously doubt that the player in question is FrisianDude from the forums, which would mean that he is pretending to be someone he isn't and is staining the real FrisianDudes name.

I hope a Warband-admin will take a look into the log and take further steps if necessary.
Yup. Once more, he was banned three times from the server via poll and repeatedly came back. Spawn killing and being an utter tool... I think he needs to be kicked out of the beta, IMHO.
He teamkilled me twice at spawn, and kept coming back after having ben kicked several times. I was surprised by his name, was it really you Frisian?

EDIT: Noticed now that Frisians profile says that he hasn't got warband yet, so it's most likely an impostor.
He told us at the Benelux forum that he applied for the bèta, but never recieved a confirmation that he could join the bèta. And FrisianDude wouldn't do such a thing, definitly not.
I found him from the server logs and have his player ID in store and we know who he is.

For future references please PM an admin about things like this, no need to start separate topics for each case. Thank you for reporting this though! :smile:
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