Team Canada Nations Cup 2011

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Outlawed said:
Kazzap knows this, but I need to mention it on this thread,
I'm volunteering for team Captain. So if anyone else would like to volunteer/nominate, please do so.
I nominate Xenak for team captain.
findecanno said:
Outlawed said:
Kazzap knows this, but I need to mention it on this thread,
I'm volunteering for team Captain. So if anyone else would like to volunteer/nominate, please do so.
I nominate Xenak for team captain.

And I vote for Xenak, which lately, I wuv him more than Sala, but less than Rhade.
Outlawed said:
Americans, please stay off this thread as it is not a place for spam. Thanks.

Little taste of your own medicine lol, obviously I vote 1,2. Err wait I forgot which is what. I vote for the common sense choices lol.
Outlawed said:
1- Do you want to fight our matches such that we do 1 match in a European server and 1 on a North American server as opposed to simply playing 2 rounds on a European server? (this is where we would answer yes, because home advantage = best advantage)
2- Do you guys want to see Khergits in place?

1: Yes.

2: No.
Pistol Pete said:
Outlawed said:
1- Do you want to fight our matches such that we do 1 match in a European server and 1 on a North American server as opposed to simply playing 2 rounds on a European server? (this is where we would answer yes, because home advantage = best advantage)
2- Do you guys want to see Khergits in place?

1: Yes.
2: No.

Ditto. And when do you guys think the try-outs will be held?
The deadline for teams is March 16th so we have plenty of time. Looking at the calendar I think Feb 25th (hey that's my birthday lol) would be a good day. We probably want to have a few practices after we get the team assembled.
Outlawed said:
Pistol Pete said:
Everytime I come back to this thread more people have taken up our cause. I'm excited and proud, lol.

We got this!
If we get the rules that allow us to play on our own turf, we would probably be able to make it far enough and maybe even win if we stay organized :wink:

I'm going to go ahead and ask everyone the two questions they posed on the NC thread.

1- Do you want to fight our matches such that we do 1 match in a European server and 1 on a North American server as opposed to simply playing 2 rounds on a European server? (this is where we would answer yes, because home advantage = best advantage)
2- Do you guys want to see Khergits in place?

My votes.
1- Yes.
2- No.

My Votes.
1- Yes.
2- No.

Its awesome to see this thread/team taking off, lets take this for Canada guys! Its great to see some familiar faces from the battlefield who I know are good players. Redknight, Panic, a few others. Welcome guys!

First of all I think its important for us to start organizing. If we are going to have a shot communication is very important. I think voice communication should be mandatory or at least strongly recommended for team members. I use ventrilo, but would be open to teamspeak or any other program if you guys prefer. For now I have a ventrilo server we can use to get started, i think its 20 slots. If you guys have no idea what I'm talking about or what ventrilo is, its a simple voice communication program that can be downloaded from

Port number: 3930

I go by the name TADERNUTS and can be found chilling in there often.

Also for those who use steam we should get each other added. My name is tadernuts on steam add me up. For those who don't I recommend you get it, its pretty key.



So please add me/ join the group.

Also I would like to volunteer for team captain, but would be happy to step aside and support another player once I'm sure you have the team's best interests in mind.

Other than that I feel that we should start discussing possible tactics and roles of players. It would be awesome if players could post a bit about themselves, their style of play and skills, preferred roles, availability, tactical ideas or any other questions or ideas. I'l start:

I'm a university student from Thunder Bay. I'm a straight up cavalryman, lancer. Theres no better feeling than couching someone in the face. I feel like to be successful as a team we need to have a balanced, well organized team who work and communicate well. Skilled archers, infantry and cavalry all have important roles, but a team needs to be flexible to be effective against different tactics.

I love this game and play it almost nonstop, I also recently opened my shedule so I am available to practice virtually 24/7, although I am most active between 2pm and 6 am EST.

If team members could post:
- How they feel about using ventrilo/alternative for communication.
- How they feel about using steam for organization.
- A little about themselves, availability, ideas, questions.

Sorry for the long post guys, thanks!

Hey Tadernuts!
Thanks for the awesome post, the vent and the steam stuff :wink:
Truly brilliant!

Lets wait some more days and then we can have an official meeting for everyone and discuss what we will do in the tryouts as well as things like who we are and what we do and all that jazz.

Welcome to the team brah!
Hey Tader. Yup, I remember you, and I'm willing to put aside our differences from the past.

Most of us are familliar with voice chat. Our clan uses mumble because the quality seems to be better than most others, but there are plenty out there.
What are team captain's responsibilities and players' obligations? Are team captains leaders?

If team members could post:
- How they feel about using ventrilo/alternative for communication.

I always use ventrilo

- How they feel about using steam for organization.

I do not use steam

- A little about themselves, availability, ideas, questions.

Plays infantry and archer, available if date is set.
Umm I'm pretty sure the team captain manages all of our stuff like practices, matches with other teams, etc. I guess you would call them the leaders.

For the players, our obligations are to be willing to play as a team and not go rambo and kill everyone in your path by yourself. Going and using voice chat is a plus.
The biggest role of the team captain is to be the battlefield commander. He's gonna be the one calling the shots, where we go, what we do. I'm not sure how we're gonna actually pick captains I just hope we can it with as little drama as possible. Lets show them how polite and well mannered us Canadians are!

*edit* A little about me, I'm an inf player. I feel my best strengths in game are spear-man/anti cav and sword and boarding when I'm out numbered. I'm fine with vent or mumble to team speak or whatever we wanna use.
I think I do okay as an archer.                                    :wink:

Also, for the team captain thing. Yes, team captains should be responsible for for all the behind the scene stuff, as well as commanding in the battle. That doesn't mean that the rest of us can't help out where it is needed.
My Votes



Hey Fellas,

Taderbros_Fresh here, looking forward to playing with you guys and learning some new stuff about the game.  vote for Tadernuts, hes intense about this game, so get him in there.

Join vent for more info

Anytime we need to practice the GK duel server will be available. We are finally with a decent host and living in Toronto I have a steady 30-50 ping on GK Siege.
Not sure about you guys out in BC. Might be closer to 70.

As for squad leader and such my vote would be who ever officially entered us in the tournament decide for us.

or we could all nominate 3 people and from that pool of 3 take a vote.

Outlawed said:
Team TimHortons XD

hah great idea
My vote is 'Team Hortons"
My vote

- How they feel about using ventrilo/alternative for communication.
I use Vent.

- How they feel about using steam for organization
I am always logged into steam so using it to organize is fine with me.

- A little about themselves, availability, ideas, questions.
I live in BC. I play inf class and i am available almost at any time 
Toss me into the mix as well.  I'll have school guff to deal with in march but most of it is due prior to the 16th.

On GK being used, it should be fine - we basically have 6 servers so I'm sure something can be worked out.

to the vote: yes and no respectively.

Alternate communication:
- I use vent and xfire - steam hates me.

- most every night after 8pm (could squeeze it to 7 possibly).  I'm in EST.
- I play infantry mostly, swobo with a spear as secondary.  Decent Cav as well.
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