Steam or Taleworlds download?

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I bought Warband via Steam, should I install it via steam or download the demo from the Taleworlds site and type in the serial? I heard there were issues with steam..

Steam is a steaming pile of crap, I avoid it at all cost. Special patches are needed for games, & it screwes with games directory structures. If you want to buy digital copies of games, I would recommend direct2drive.
velocity30 said:
Steam is a steaming pile of crap, I avoid it at all cost. Special patches are needed for games, & it screwes with games directory structures. If you want to buy digital copies of games, I would recommend direct2drive.
And I wonder exactly how much experience you have with Steam making comments such as these.

Steam is fine, it does not require "special patches" as you put it, it patches games almost exactly the same as any other system except it is downloaded automatically and the executable for the game is linked to steam. It does not screw with directory structures for games, they are left exactly the same as they would be with a normal install except they are placed in Steam's steamapps folder instead of Program Files.

Installing a normal copy of Warband is fine, but steam has certain features that the regular game does not. Things like achievements that will take a while for paradox to implement into their system are already on steam. As the OP said you can use the serial key that comes with a steam copy of the game to install a normal copy of warband anyway, so it doesn't really matter anyway, if you have issues from one you can just use the other.

@OP: I am not exactly sure what issues you have heard of but I have been using a steam version with no issues other than those that plauge the game as per usual.
I already bought it from Steam and tried it both ways, Steam is better as you can add people (if they've got Steam) :smile:
I have plenty experience, & plenty of problems with other games. It does some proprietary things which are stupid. It does alter directory structures, maybe not in this game, but ive seen it. Havent used it in awhile, partly because most games on it are screwed up.

And yes, people are explicity having problems with the steam version, read some posts if you dont belive me.

The core patch to the game is the same yes, but it requires extra proprietary crap which is almost always bad.
It installs the game to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\mountblade warband which is fine.

The only criticism I have of it is that Steam can't detect players in the server you're in so you can't easily add people, although you can't 'add' people in the regular version either so that's fine. :smile:
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