Sep 4 province/event reset, and a bit on campaigns in general

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Just letting anyone interested know that I have reset the events and province conquest levels to test the events system, which should now be functional. A new set of events for each faction should resolve every five hours or so.

There may yet be bugs, so I may reset yet again a few times before the game is complete.

For the alternate history books, I think we can probably say that the Basileia did best in this "campaign," having come close to conquering both Syria and Khazaria. The Latin empire's invasion of the Maghreb also came close to being successful.

You may see occasional messages about your lands being in danger of dispossession. As of now, there are no consequences to being dispossessed -- you don't actually lose anything.

My next step in the strategic game is to work on customized fiefs.

After that, I will make the invasion/conquest system less abstract -- there will be armies in each province, rather than simply conquest numbers. Players may in some circumstances control these armies.
I noticed you changed the names of the maps to show what gamemode is going on, neat.

Oh, and Syria will be our one day, we already managed to capture it once in the past, and we'll do it again. :twisted:
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