Say Cheese v2

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we lad fookin comethy my righto here ill
bash yee **** roit outta fokkin boyo right wee laddy
yous fockin cont comin over ere fockin right wee cont, ma ma said she loves me wee ma,
yous no noothin about ma we ma yous right cont i's right bang yous out cont
yous wankers.
i's never loiked
yous da, i's always loike me ma, not da, yous cont yous we cont.
get good at perspectivr yous wee cont yous cant even wees use perspective lines yous vanashing pooints yous wee conts.

I'm leaving!
Really Bertie! You've always resented Daddy's drawing skills, it's so petty. Why you've never been able to get along, having this shared interest, I don't know. The vulgarity of you both shames the family, it really does.  :facepalm:
Serpent Of Eden said:
I bet there were not a single drug overdose.  :iamamoron:
Funnily enough not really, the festival were very chilled with drug use and had plenty of paramedics so there was never really any danger. On the other hand, I didn't see a single policeman, probably because fights are the result of alcohol and everyone was pilled up :lol:
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