Rouxi's Afternoon Streams! | Bannerlord beta

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Interesting, never though about using the first person and third person views like that.

Never use zoom either.

perhaps ill try that combo.

I always zoom, just a habit, can't get rid of it..

About first and third person. I personally think 1st is easier to shoot. It's more accurate at short range (you don't have the extra heightdifference) and once you get used to it, it's pretty cool.
As you can see in the vid, I pretty much aim straight for the face, where in third person you'd have to aim a bit higher. I guess if you're used to either, it doesn't really matter, but 1st person is how I learned to play the game.

3rd is better for anything else though, no doubt.
I had a wee bash yesterday with the switching out first person but I don't have enough hot keys left, I really need to upgrade my two button mouse .....  So I wasn't very effective with switching between the two.

I don't think I will be hsing anyone today. You literally killed my will for hs, it no longer looks appealing as it was before the video.
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