Rise of Nationalism an unofficial Add-On for: 'Age of Blackpowder'

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Rise of Nationalism is an unofficial add-on for Age of Blackpowder set in the Balkans between 1815 and 1831.  In that time the region saw three major uprisings against the Ottoman Empire that laid the foundations of Bosnia, Greece, Montenegro and Serbia as modern nations.

Moved to Age of Blackpowder sub-forum: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?topic=73348.new#new
Hmm. I don't even get credited for OSP uniforms now. Nor do any of the OSP authors whose work was used.  Good ol' Age of Blackpowder eh?
Dain he probably unintentionally left out the OSP stuff from the Credits. He is probably fairly new to this so this is going to be his first release.
Indeed, but would a full map screenshot be too much to ask, perhaps? Because I believe you made a small map displacement in the first shot; Vlasotince is where Leskovac should be.
Dain Ironfoot-

I figured that citing Age of Blackpowder would imply that I was giving credit to the credits used for that mod.  Now that I think about it that was pretty lazy thinking on my part, sorry.  I have updated the credits.


I added an overhead photo from the map editor (I don't know how to take a "full map" screen shot in game).  To be the sure the map is not perfect and is likely to something I will work on in the future.
Dain Ironfoot said:
Hmm. I don't even get credited for OSP uniforms now. Nor do any of the OSP authors whose work was used.  Good ol' Age of Blackpowder eh?
Aah don't worry Dain. I'll keep an eye on him  :wink:

Ps. Whenever people ask me for the uniforms. I allways direct them to your stuff.
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