Racism in Europe

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I never been to Europe and I only heard this from certain individuals who been there and I wonder if this is true: Neo-Nazism and White Supremacism is far more popular and wide spread in Europe than other western countries like America and Canada. If so, why is it this way? Any Europeans have answer to this?
ChengYi said:
I never been to Europe and I only heard this from certain individuals who been there and I wonder if this is true: Neo-Nazism and White Supremacism is far more popular and wide spread in Europe than other western countries like America and Canada. If so, why is it this way? Any Europeans have answer to this?
Durka Durka.
ChengYi said:
I never been to Europe and I only heard this from certain individuals who been there and I wonder if this is true: Neo-Nazism and White Supremacism is far more popular and wide spread in Europe than other western countries like America and Canada. If so, why is it this way? Any Europeans have answer to this?
Well maybe in some countries, but no way its more popular than in the West.
ChengYi said:
I never been to Europe and I only heard this from certain individuals who been there and I wonder if this is true: Neo-Nazism and White Supremacism is far more popular and wide spread in Europe than other western countries like America and Canada. If so, why is it this way? Any Europeans have answer to this?
It depends on where you are. Neither of those two are particularly prevalent, except perhaps in very local areas. But then the same is true of the US. There is far more racism in some US states than others, for example (I was shocked to learn from a friend of mine, visiting Kansas just a few years back, that there are still "whites only" signs here and there).

The most predominant form of racism in Europe today revolves around a very common suspicion of anything Middle-Eastern. And, to some extent, suspicion of Eastern Europeans is common in Western and Northern Europe. The suspicion of Arabs is largely due to suspicion of Islam, but people tend to generalize that into ethnicity.

I couldn't say how deeply racism is felt, though. Being white, I rarely encounter it anyway. But minority groups will certainly encounter it more often, and they would be in a better position to say how prevalent racism is.
ChengYi said:
I never been to Europe and I only heard this from certain individuals who been there and I wonder if this is true: Neo-Nazism and White Supremacism is far more popular and wide spread in Europe than other western countries like America and Canada. If so, why is it this way? Any Europeans have answer to this?

I've never met a Neo-Nazi or White Supremacist in my life. I've heard racist sentiment on occasion, but I've also heard homophobic sentiment, and anti-chav sentiment, and anti-old folks sentiment. People just like to complain about groups that they're not a part of.
Depends where you go in the US. You'll find a lot more neo-Nazis in Idaho than you will in Massachusetts, and I assume Europe has analogous places. I agree with Kissaki; the most common and ugliest forms of racism tend to be directed at people of African descent in the US, and at people of Middle Eastern descent in Europe.
Actually I think here in the US racism against Latino immigrants will overshadow racism against blacks.
I believe Austria is still a very conservative country, but apart from that, I would say such things are probably more prevalent in the US, maybe only because it is a bigger place.
I live in Mississippi, which is traditionally considered one of the most racist parts of the country. If you spend any time here, you will notice that racism to some degree is still very prevalent. However, there is also a stigma against being "too racist". In Mississippi, just about everybody is prejudiced to some degree against everyone else. There are still fragments of that "old white" order, where people reminisce a time when the First Baptist Church ran everything, but radical or violent racism is gone and everyone tries, at least, to get along.

The worst of it can be found far away from the towns, in the isolated rural communities. Generally these communities are either very white or very black, and racism is encouraged by the community, so there is no stigma to keep it at bay.
Here in Norway there are very many rascists. Not just against muslims, but anything not "norwegian"
pesja's right. Infact, you're looking at one here! *Removes cap to reveal skinned head*

Just kidding, but Norway really is quite racist. I think it's because we've been isolated for so long.
It annoys me how people get hung up in meaningless details, such as the word "neger". I understand its equalent is completely acceptable in Finland, for example. I think they're comparing it to the word "******", but it's not the same.
Not to mention that the geographical situation most towns in norway find themself in, denies them much contact with the rest of the world.. If it's not a mountain blocking your way, you can be sure it's a damn fjord!


Illustrates my point just perfectly! Also a very funny movie =)
pesja said:
Here in Norway there are very many rascists. Not just against muslims, but anything not "norwegian"

True, just look at our national flag
In Czech Republic there are quite many neo nazi and nationalist parties, I meet the skinhead-nazis quite often.
Anyway, most of the people here could be called racist, because almost everyone hates gypsies. Which is understandable. Not so much for western idiots from EU who tend to stick their noses where they don't belong though :/
Up north from the Czech lands lies Poland and it probably has proportionally more skinheads and "racists" but it isn't really seen. At least in the small town where I live (120.000 population) the only idiots who particularly don't like Jews, black people and Gypsies, are divided into smaller groups who fight against each other at night.. They are of no importance. And this applies to the whole country I think.
If you're from the next village you're a ****ing suspicious foreigner. Most European nations are held together purely on self loathing and the desire to ensure the guy next door isn't getting more than you.
In the area I live, I know there are many racists. And some neo-nazis. But that is not really common for Stockholm anyway, my area is just very extreme. But there are a few naziorganisations that is on the upswing due to the capitalistic society we have. They see a problem, just not what the problem really is. Last time I saw them I spit on the ground before them so they shoved my friend, one of my brothers has been threatened to death by them as well. I see them more then others that isn't engaged in the leftist movement, they show up when we have demonstrations and manifestations to film us. Sometimes snapshots of us ends up on a special blogg, sometimes referred as "Info14" and sometimes as "The pigstie", so that nazis can see their "opponents" and which people to brutally beat up. My organisation do oppose violence, so if they beat us, we just play the pitycard. Which has happened.
Most racism where I live in the US (South of the South) is directed towards Cubans and Illegal immigrants. Most of it is passive and lingual with very few actual actions being taken.
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