Persistent World 4.5.1 - download and general discussion

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Thx for the update!

One question:

Will I have to update my maps a lot for the new version or can you use PW4.4 maps?


Sorry for sounding so dull, using my phone. I really appreciate the updates, didn't even expect any untill bannerlord.
I guess it's important to adjust leather prices, if you changed them.

Old default price: 269
New default price: 354

Apple trees, price modifiers, etc. is probably all optional.
Another noob question from Dek:

Add a lance variant that breaks when successfully used in a couched attack.

What's the name of this lance in the editor? My ****ty brain won't spot it


I love that you added that. Now all we need is arrow stocks and we're there :p
Dekkers said:
Thx for the update!

One question:

Will I have to update my maps a lot for the new version or can you use PW4.4 maps?


Sorry for sounding so dull, using my phone. I really appreciate the updates, didn't even expect any untill bannerlord.

Feature wise, there's not much to update, and it's all optional. Instead, what you need to take advantage of are the enterable houses.
I only have the small round tower, which was sent by him. Probably he has the other ones. I guess it's already late to add them in. That tower in particular looks good, no to mention the castle.
Highly unexpected.  Maybe this will drum up some new interest in PW even though it's not really a big patch.  Thanks for all of your hard work over the years Vornne!
There is a rumor around that Vornne is working on a PW mod for Bannerlord :grin:  if this is true, then he got access from the devs which doesn't seem entirely unlikely since PW was such a huge part of the Warband community. Let's all hope and pray. This recent update proves that he isn't "innactive".
      (eq, ":weapon_item_id", "itm_thin_lance"),
        (gt, ":damage_dealt", 10),
        (agent_get_horse, ":horse_agent_id", ":attacker_agent_id"),
        (agent_is_active, ":horse_agent_id"),
        (set_fixed_point_multiplier, 100),
        (agent_get_speed, pos1, ":attacker_agent_id"),
        (position_get_y, ":forward_speed", pos1),
        (this_or_next|gt, ":forward_speed", 500),
        (gt, ":damage_dealt", 40),
        (call_script, "script_cf_agent_consume_item", ":attacker_agent_id", "itm_thin_lance", 1),
        (agent_get_position, pos1, ":attacker_agent_id"),
        (position_move_x, pos1, 50),
        (set_spawn_position, pos1),
        (spawn_item, "itm_broken_lance", 0, 60),
        (agent_play_sound, ":attacker_agent_id", "snd_lance_break"),
        (position_move_z, pos1, 50),
        (particle_system_burst, "psys_dummy_straw", pos1, 10),

It`s called "thin_lance" IG. So look out for some item called thin_lance.
The weird thing is on the PW sourcecodes only the & are updated nothing other.
Means? Seems like the item is not added on the source or some item got just renamed.
Morlock14 said:
There is a rumor around that Vornne is working on a PW mod for Bannerlord :grin:  if this is true, then he got access from the devs which doesn't seem entirely unlikely since PW was such a huge part of the Warband community. Let's all hope and pray. This recent update proves that he isn't "innactive".

I'm not really sure what you're trying to bring here, but under the current circumstances, that is impossible.
Vornne said:
The "combined world / server travel" feature was mostly written years ago, as the least terrible example of storing player equipment and troop type in an external database that I could think of, for the people who kept asking for example scripts: the scene creator places "travel area" props at the edges of the scene, which players hold "use" at for 30 seconds to store their character to the database then automatically disconnect from the server, with a message specifying the name of the other server they have travelled to; they then join that other server (which is connected to the same database) and are then loaded at the linked travel area with equipment and troop type and the entry is removed from the database, to represent travelling from one realm to another; connecting multiple Warband servers into one large world. The feature could also be used to create "save areas" for a single server, where players could use a travel scene prop placed in a non strategic area while not in active combat (since they would be undefended from other players killing them) for 30 seconds, disconnect from the server, then rejoin later to the same server, loading back inside the same travel area - avoiding the game breaking "combat logging" and "strategic log off to take people unawares later" issues that plague the common implementations.

Another excuse players use to try justify being able to teleport in and out of the game world without penalty is that they crash a lot, and don't want to die in that case: to circumvent that, I started on another feature to keep a "place holder" agent in the game world after a client is unintentionally disconnected, which the player will take over from again if they reconnect to the server within a short time. While the player is disconnected, their place holder agent can be freely attacked by other players to take the armor, items, or loot money, preventing players from using it as a way to unfairly get out of trouble (by intentionally ending the game process with the task manager, an old trick). The code in the git branch basically works, but it has multiple bugs to be fixed.

Soo all that stuff ^ What would that prop be? How would I use this?
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