Perisno Q&A + FAQ

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^You don't need to fix it I think it's fine as is(lol), was just curious.

Can Lame horses be healed?
Quick question, are deserters only hostile to the player? I haven't seen them attack or get attacked by anyone else...

Hi all,

Player starting relations with minor baddies faction is AFAIU -10.
You can actually improve it. I helped Desouk Slavers when they fought against a nation my nation was at war with and saw that our relation improved by 1 pt/fight.
So will we be buddies when relation is +1 or better? Meaning Desouks will not hunt me but help me on occasion.

Rgds, Oldtimer
Lord of Shadows said:
From my knowledge, no. You will not be buddies. I think they will still chase you, but you can't fight them. That's kinda annoying.
That's, at least, what happened to me.


well, that`s one more proof that faction relations need a thorough rework to make them plausible.

BTW, Desouks as of now should logically be a Hakkon unit or sub-faction. There is a slave market in Desouk town so slavery is legal in Hakkon. That needs a lot of work to implement, however.
Dear devs, why not use simple logic and rid yourself of the problem by having a simple Slaver faction and maybe a hidden slave market where you could trade your prisoners?

Rgds, Oldtimer
Hi all
so I have destroy Tolrania, yet there are no message saying Tolrania is no more after a week.

What do I need to do?
Oldtimer said:
"Dear devs, why not use simple logic and rid yourself of the problem by having a simple Slaver faction and maybe a hidden slave market where you could trade your prisoners."

I'm assure you, that is in the list of Bugs, and many, many.. other problems, the developers are working to solve.

To all:
Please, if you can, draw a list of of bugs you've noted and publish them, either in the bug report topic, or perhaps, in the volunteer topic so I can put it as a "goal" for our testers to look for it and publish their findings, that can save us a lot of time so we can better attend to player reports and feature suggestions, and of course, polish the module even more.

deryoung said:
Hi all
so I have destroy Tolrania, yet there are no message saying Tolrania is no more after a week.

What do I need to do?

That usually happens in the native as well, you must wait all the lords to be converted or the script to kick in, it's because they still have armies and can retake cities/castles, or perhaps they're sieging somewhere. So the game, kinda gives them a "chance"..

Lord of Shadows said:
From my knowledge, no. You will not be buddies. I think they will still chase you, but you can't fight them. That's kinda annoying.
That's, at least, what happened to me.

Are you sure you can't fight them? you can just surrender? that's quite a issue..

Faction relation problem is not a bug, it´s faulty thinking. Any game development in this category needs to start with:

- defining factions in game,

- defining faction relations and relation development,

- making a map coherent with the above.

Seems you have failed re the above by prioritizing other things. Still, I`ve put several hundreds hrs in Perisno because I see enormous potential and admire your effort.
I have many obligations and can`t read code but I`m willing to help with logics and plausibility seeing as I`ve worked in designing scientific experiments in RL for quite a few yrs, if you`re interested.

Rgds and keep up the good work,

Lord of Shadows said:
Gryffindor said:
Are you sure you can't fight them? you can just surrender? that's quite a issue..
When I try to fight them, the only option is "Leave.".


how should that be understood?

1. You attack slavers and can only "leave" or

2. Slavers attack you and there is a fight but also with a "leave" option? Or maybe only a "leave" option?

Because if there is a "leave" option for both 1 and 2 it seems that improved relations have a logical effect. Both of you don`t want to fight each other anymore. But ofc you should have a possibility to fight at the price of worsened relations.

Rgds, Oldtimer
Lord of Shadows said:
It doesn't matter if you attack them or they attack you. There's only Leave option for both.
Even if you have + relations with them, they will still chase/run from you.


righty, relations work partially correct it seems. What should still be available for the player is the ability to chase and attack them, but not the other way round.

Rgds, Oldtimer
Improving relations with all minors have one realy positive effect - they do not attack you and your own faction (when you become independent king), but there is one annoying bug with some bandits - after first helping them they attack your party everytime when they see you despite on their number (party of 10 will attack army of 150 for ex.) until you raise relations to +.
T.L.S. said:
Improving relations with all minors have one realy positive effect - they do not attack you and your own faction (when you become independent king), but there is one annoying bug with some bandits - after first helping them they attack your party everytime when they see you despite on their number (party of 10 will attack army of 150 for ex.) until you raise relations to +.


I don`t know if my observation abt.:

- being able to join any fight on any side WITHOUT worsening relations(while unaligned at least) with the faction I fight against is general.

But general or not it`s not good. Improving relations with minor factions is potentially so useful now that I consider it as a cheat.

There must be realistic consequences of player decisions.

Rgds, Oldtimer
Is the kingdom culture choices bugged? When i first took Formiron, I only get to choose between Drache and Redwood, After a few weeks later, Tolranian culture shows up, Also, How do i get the Perisnoan culture? Do i have to choose "Favor no culture"?
PwnApfel said:
Is the kingdom culture choices bugged? When i first took Formiron, I only get to choose between Drache and Redwood, After a few weeks later, Tolranian culture shows up, Also, How do i get the Perisnoan culture? Do i have to choose "Favor no culture"?
Currently the culture option is not working as it should. You will always be recruiting Perisno troops once you have your own kingdom.
I need help with the quest for the Kingslayer. The part I am on is right after I talked to the priest in Hrus Castle. Also the notes for this quest are left blank compared to the Immortal one.
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