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sapi said:
If you're playing source-based games that shouldn't be a problem; and it's minimal.... :twisted:
Two weeks of having the server timeout whenever you try and activate a game is minimal?
You'd rather run external software than something that a game was built to run on?
Steam only works for Steam based games. Gameshadow covers a hell of a lot more. It also picks up on other stuff - popular mods, extra maps etc. It also gives you the choice of whether to install an update or not, whereas Steam usually updates whether you want it to or not.
Every other download service runs in teh background of your pc and allows you to play teh games you've bought legally on other computers?
Depends on the service. Some don't need to run in the background constantly. Most assign your games to an account rather than a machine.
It may have been a flop where you live but it got good reviews over here.....
It got good reviews in most places. Unfortunately, good reviews don't equal good sales.
And since when did valve make sin?
They didn't, but correct me if I'm wrong it is available on Steam (and suffered from cock up's with Valve's distribution)
Over steam, ep1 was ~$25.  In shops, it was $40+
Ep 1 is currently £19.99, which is about $25. However, HL2 is now cheaper to buy in stores than Steam (in fact, it's price was the same as the Steam version for about three months, before it began dropping. Steam still offered it for full price for nearly a year).
Well, i stil think there is a legitmate place in the world for steam, as well as real world hard copies of games (i mean, have you read the steam licence agreement? they have the right to delete your accound any time for any reason).
Didn't they do that to people before? They found some HL2 pirates who were playing on steam, so decided "Hey, why not delete their accounts and all the legitimate games they bought?"

Admittedly, they do have good games on steam though.
Archonsod said:
sapi said:
If you're playing source-based games that shouldn't be a problem; and it's minimal.... :twisted:
Two weeks of having the server timeout whenever you try and activate a game is minimal?

For a company who's doing the direct download/update thing right, try Stardock ( Their stardock central software does all the things steam does, but if you don't want to use it you don't have to, you can just grab the updates etc form elsewhere. (i.e. GalCiv go to the games download page for a download of stardock central or the latest retail update).

That's my bigest problem with steam is that it forces you to use it, even when it's not really needed...
Archonsod said:
sapi said:
If you're playing source-based games that shouldn't be a problem; and it's minimal.... :twisted:
Two weeks of having the server timeout whenever you try and activate a game is minimal?
I never had that problem but i understand that i can't speak for you...

You'd rather run external software than something that a game was built to run on?
Steam only works for Steam based games. Gameshadow covers a hell of a lot more. It also picks up on other stuff - popular mods, extra maps etc. It also gives you the choice of whether to install an update or not, whereas Steam usually updates whether you want it to or not.[/quote]You can't play any online games until you update them so you have no choice anyway....

It may have been a flop where you live but it got good reviews over here.....
It got good reviews in most places. Unfortunately, good reviews don't equal good sales.
Meh; i judge goodness off quality, not success

And since when did valve make sin?
They didn't, but correct me if I'm wrong it is available on Steam (and suffered from cock up's with Valve's distribution)
We're not going to agree on this, but i have no problem with internet-based distribution

Over steam, ep1 was ~$25.  In shops, it was $40+
Ep 1 is currently £19.99, which is about $25. However, HL2 is now cheaper to buy in stores than Steam (in fact, it's price was the same as the Steam version for about three months, before it began dropping. Steam still offered it for full price for nearly a year).
HL2 is an old game therefore that makes sense, but the fact remains you're saving almost 50% when you buy over steam....

Didn't they do that to people before? They found some HL2 pirates who were playing on steam, so decided "Hey, why not delete their accounts and all the legitimate games they bought?"
They got caught => they suffered the consequences

For a company who's doing the direct download/update thing right, try Stardock ( Their stardock central software does all the things steam does, but if you don't want to use it you don't have to, you can just grab the updates etc form elsewhere. (i.e. GalCiv go to the games download page for a download of stardock central or the latest retail update).
Pity that most stardock software is rubbish...
When you buy online with steam, can you get a CD? Or do you have to pay extra?

sapi said:
Over steam, ep1 was ~$25.  In shops, it was $40+
Ep 1 is currently £19.99, which is about $25. However, HL2 is now cheaper to buy in stores than Steam (in fact, it's price was the same as the Steam version for about three months, before it began dropping. Steam still offered it for full price for nearly a year).
HL2 is an old game therefore that makes sense, but the fact remains you're saving almost 50% when you buy over steam....

You only save when you buy one of those "Premier Packs." Plus only a few games (most of them made by Valve) can be bought at a discount like that. All the other games have to be bought at prices that are sometimes more than retail, but rarely cheaper than retail.
sapi said:
I never had that problem but i understand that i can't speak for you...
A lot of people did. It was more teething issues than anything else, but it did demonstrate the fact that if anything happens to Valve's datacentre (power cut or similar) then it prevents you using any steam based services until they either fix the problem or come up with an alternative.
You can't play any online games until you update them so you have no choice anyway....
It depends on the game (or rather whether the only servers are the company owned servers). Official servers always run the latest version, public/private servers may not. I know several servers for a number of games which don't run the latest version, primarily because they don't like the balance tweaks done in that version. Alternatively, they may hold off the update because mods they're using are incompatible with the latest version.
HL2 is an old game therefore that makes sense, but the fact remains you're saving almost 50% when you buy over steam....
Depends on what your buying. As far as store based games go, I've yet to see Steam drop the price as quickly as a store.
They got caught => they suffered the consequences
I kind of agree. The only problem I have with this is that not all Steam based games are made by Valve. Not only is it questionable whether Valve have the right to remove your access to someone else's game, but technically doing so would break your EULA with the company who produced the game. Besides which, would a more effective solution not have been to turn over the account details to the relevant authorities?
For a company who's doing the direct download/update thing right, try Stardock ( Their stardock central software does all the things steam does, but if you don't want to use it you don't have to, you can just grab the updates etc form elsewhere. (i.e. GalCiv go to the games download page for a download of stardock central or the latest retail update).
I've had Stardock installed since GalCiv 1 came out. I like the fact they put Beta versions on there :smile:. To be honest I admire their approach to the whole piracy thing more - no annoying protection on the game, but you need a licence to download the updates.
Pity that most stardock software is rubbish...
Last time Valve released a decent game was HL1, purely because no one had tried to do a scripted, plot based FPS.
Archonsod said:
sapi said:
I never had that problem but i understand that i can't speak for you...
A lot of people did. It was more teething issues than anything else, but it did demonstrate the fact that if anything happens to Valve's datacentre (power cut or similar) then it prevents you using any steam based services until they either fix the problem or come up with an alternative.
You can't play any online games until you update them so you have no choice anyway....
It depends on the game (or rather whether the only servers are the company owned servers). Official servers always run the latest version, public/private servers may not. I know several servers for a number of games which don't run the latest version, primarily because they don't like the balance tweaks done in that version. Alternatively, they may hold off the update because mods they're using are incompatible with the latest version.
Meh; all the australian servers update on time so i have no choice in that respect.

HL2 is an old game therefore that makes sense, but the fact remains you're saving almost 50% when you buy over steam....
Depends on what your buying. As far as store based games go, I've yet to see Steam drop the price as quickly as a store.
It depends - i usually buy games on release and so i don't need to worry about pricices dropping quickly or not.

They got caught => they suffered the consequences
I kind of agree. The only problem I have with this is that not all Steam based games are made by Valve. Not only is it questionable whether Valve have the right to remove your access to someone else's game, but technically doing so would break your EULA with the company who produced the game. Besides which, would a more effective solution not have been to turn over the account details to the relevant authorities?
The thing is they will have violated the Steam TOS and that gives valve the authority to do what it did and make a point...

Pity that most stardock software is rubbish...
Last time Valve released a decent game was HL1, purely because no one had tried to do a scripted, plot based FPS.
Another difference of opinion - i'm not one of the 'old guys' in that i've never played more than a bit of hl1 (though i am waiting eagerly for bms) and so i look on hl2 more detached than most people, and to me it's just a great game.  If you don't like it than you won't like any fps...
Another difference of opinion - i'm not one of the 'old guys' in that i've never played more than a bit of hl1 (though i am waiting eagerly for bms) and so i look on hl2 more detached than most people, and to me it's just a great game.  If you don't like it than you won't like any fps...

thats not true. i like FPS and i dont like HL2.
Titanx3 said:
Another difference of opinion - i'm not one of the 'old guys' in that i've never played more than a bit of hl1 (though i am waiting eagerly for bms) and so i look on hl2 more detached than most people, and to me it's just a great game.  If you don't like it than you won't like any fps...

thats not true. i like FPS and i dont like HL2.
How come?

It may not be the best example of a generic fps but it's got enough atmosphere, story and innovation to make up for that.

On an aside, did you like FEAR?

If yes, i know your type  :lol:
sapi said:
Titanx3 said:
Another difference of opinion - i'm not one of the 'old guys' in that i've never played more than a bit of hl1 (though i am waiting eagerly for bms) and so i look on hl2 more detached than most people, and to me it's just a great game.  If you don't like it than you won't like any fps...

thats not true. i like FPS and i dont like HL2.
How come?

It may not be the best example of a generic fps but it's got enough atmosphere, story and innovation to make up for that.

On an aside, did you like FEAR?

If yes, i know your type  :lol:

i havent played FEAR, dont really plan to.

I dont know, its was....tbh it was boring.

suspose because i like Multiplayer mostly.
sapi said:
It may not be the best example of a generic fps but it's got enough atmosphere, story and innovation to make up for that.
Deus Ex still kicks it's arse though :razz: Simply because I dislike HL2 doesn't mean I don't like FPS's. On the contrary, I find HL2 to be too much of a generic FPS. There's little in it which moves it above any other FPS, as a result I see little to recommend it over say Doom 3 or Farcry.
Meh; all the australian servers update on time so i have no choice in that respect.
Official servers. Try playing something like Swat 4 or UT2004 and it's the opposite.
The thing is they will have violated the Steam TOS and that gives valve the authority to do what it did and make a point
I'm not sure it does actually. Deleting the account would actually be illegal (a. it's destruction of evidence, and b. if challenged, Valve would be required to be able to re-instate the account if necessary). Valve could lock the account, but legally they'd be obliged to retain all information for a set period of time. It also assumes Valve's process for detecting illegal copies is 100% accurate, which it isn't.
Archonsod said:
sapi said:
It may not be the best example of a generic fps but it's got enough atmosphere, story and innovation to make up for that.
Deus Ex still kicks it's arse though :razz: Simply because I dislike HL2 doesn't mean I don't like FPS's. On the contrary, I find HL2 to be too much of a generic FPS. There's little in it which moves it above any other FPS, as a result I see little to recommend it over say Doom 3 or Farcry.

Nothing more than Doom 3!!????

in doom three, there is no gravity gun, and all the associated puzzles that come with it. I hardly think you could call HL2 a generic shooter.
Steam only works for Steam based games. Gameshadow covers a hell of a lot more. It also picks up on other stuff - popular mods, extra maps etc. It also gives you the choice of whether to install an update or not, whereas Steam usually updates whether you want it to or not.

Games are set to update by default, right click on the game in steam and there should be a properties menu where you can select on how you want steam to handle updates.
sneakey pete said:
in doom three, there is no gravity gun, and all the associated puzzles that come with it. I hardly think you could call HL2 a generic shooter.
Physics are nothing new, nor are puzzles based around those physics. You might't get a gravity gun, but plenty of games have had telekenesis, magnets or the force to let you chuck things around.

Archonsod said:
sapi said:
It may not be the best example of a generic fps but it's got enough atmosphere, story and innovation to make up for that.
Deus Ex still kicks it's arse though :razz: Simply because I dislike HL2 doesn't mean I don't like FPS's. On the contrary, I find HL2 to be too much of a generic FPS. There's little in it which moves it above any other FPS, as a result I see little to recommend it over say Doom 3 or Farcry.
tbh i hated deus ex; but it think that was just the graphics :razz:
Besides that it felt far too generic...

Meh; all the australian servers update on time so i have no choice in that respect.
Official servers. Try playing something like Swat 4 or UT2004 and it's the opposite.
Heh.  In australia we have a sort of 'gang war' between the two major server hosts and you stick to your patch :grin:
Archonsod said:
sneakey pete said:
in doom three, there is no gravity gun, and all the associated puzzles that come with it. I hardly think you could call HL2 a generic shooter.
Physics are nothing new, nor are puzzles based around those physics. You might't get a gravity gun, but plenty of games have had telekenesis, magnets or the force to let you chuck things around.

Yes, but the way HL2 used them is what makes it special. i mean, for instance, i walked into a room, with the gravity gun out, which had a sheild wall across it, plugged into an outlet. Now, there was a combine soilder there. So, i grabbed the plug to power down the sheild (didnt' see the soilder at first), then i shot the plug at the soilder and killed him.

It's that kind of split second many ways to do things attitude that makes HL2 good
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