Obtaining Khergit Cavalry Helmet/Armor

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For quite a while now I've been searching for a nice Khergit cavalry helmet to replace my steppe cap for the character I've been playing recently, but to no avail. I remember getting the helmet a while ago when i was trying out the Swadians, but now that I've found the Khergits as the most fun to play as, I set out to make myself look like a distinguished Khergit cavalry commander. The problem is, I can't simply raid a Khergit caravan, neither can I find one from the corpses of Steppe bandits. Does anyone know how to get one? (They don't seem to be selling them in major Khergit cities)

Thanks in advance
I ran into the same problem with my Khergit horse archer. Gave up on that one.

You might try aiding a Khergit party to increase your standing with your faction (hopefully by 5 or more in a big fight), then attack your own faction's caravan (losing 5 standing in the process). Repeat as necessary... possibly many repetitions to get you the helmet.

I'm not sure if you can attack your own faction's caravans. If not, the above plan obviously won't work. But try and let us know.

Aside from that, I guess you could attack the Khergits before joining them, but then how would you join if your standing is already in the negatives? Meh.
Is the Khergit armor easier to get in .894?  I grinded (ground?) for what felt like forever in .808 and never got it, and I despise grinding.  All I've ever wanted was that damn armor.
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