Naval Scripter

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D1SC0 N1NJ4: Actually I, when the naval battles will be full ported, will be one -scot pirate- as well!  :lol:
(Can't wait to loot the riches of the north!  :razz:)

hunterman52: My pC is really good machine indeed. But for unkknown reasons it does not recognise that...  :neutral:

Ruthven: The one or the other way, the mod is a best seller! My brother, controlling our rapidshare a coount informed that 335 people so far got the mod. The views of the download sites topic are  more than 1857 !!!  :shock:

That means that I rule  :lol: . L O L!
Really? Great. But my friend I need those freaking codes...  :smile:  :???:

Anyways a release is coming soon. Note that this will be the 2nd one availiable, so we have a long way till the alpha.  :razz:

Hunterman beating ''that'' is not easy my friend!  :lol:  :mrgreen:
Yeah but the next off-topic is your favourite...

I will upload the mod in just 10 minutes from now!  :shock: . Version 0.2 is ready. I will upload the one withought naval and the naval one as well!  :razz:

I know the naval scripts now are a bit buggy, but not causing graphics or chrashing problems or freezes!  :razz:

1500th post!

PS: Ruthven please send me the requested file if possible and the new codes as far as you do the rest of the work!  :!:
Archery? Great. I know some dudes here doing archery as well...

I do fencing! Let's fire at will and then give them hell!  :razz:

PS: Here is the plan... You fire at them and I finish them of and break their morale!  :wink:
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